NA2 objectives The „v.E.R.C.“ (virtual Earth System Resource Center) v.E.R.C is: A (technical) infrastructure to improve the utilization of the ESM core-infrastructure, i.e.: – models, data, – computer, archives – expertise, knowledge v.E.R.C will foster and facilitate: Detection of resources, services and information (generated/provided within or without of the project) Evaluation of resources, services Access to resources and services Efficient usage of resources and services and information Collaboration and integration (“external and internal”) Dissemination Keep it simple and efficient
NA2 tasks Set up a “portal”: – entrance point – Integrated view of resources – “Wizzard” to guide users and to semantically link resources, services and information – collaboration platform Analyze the workflows and technical requirements of ESM Define, build and document a generic HPC environment for ESM – collaboration with PrACE and DEISA Evaluate and foster the use of grid services and middleware (“workflow management tools”) for ESM – Implement a prototype of an ESM Grid environment – Organize training events
NA2 first steps Capture requirements on the portal and on v.E.R.C. functionality – Already received input from several WPs Start analyzing typical ESM workflows (“uses cases”) Specification of v.E.R.C scope and functionality Specification of technical design of the v.E.R.C portal Start analyzing working environment of participating HPC centers – BSC, CINECA, CMCC, CSC, DKRZ, LIU Analysis of existing grid services (e.g. GRB, Grid Superscalar) wrt. to requirements of ESM community Cooperation ! Contribution ! (e.g. Metafor, all other WP) Partners: DKRZ, CMCC, FMI, MPGIM&D, CERFACS, LIU, BSC) Cooperation ! Contribution ! (e.g. Metafor, all other WP) Partners: DKRZ, CMCC, FMI, MPGIM&D, CERFACS, LIU, BSC)