Leading the Way Gaetan Drolet DLI Unit Montreal March 9, 2004
Leading the Way Train-the-Trainers or Train-the-Leaders Birthing Pains of a Trainer/of a Leader
Leading the Way DLI trainer/leader is a delinquent Be delinquent Be a proactive data librarian Be creative Actualize your autonomy Control your delinquency Become a guru Some species of data guru Think locally, Act regionnally and internationally
Leading the Way To be a local leader Make representation Train yours users Be present to your users Train your colleagues
Leading the Way To be a regional leader Create, be a member of a regional data group Develop, share common tools Organize training activities Give your advice
Leading the Way To be an international leader Be a participant Be a presenter Be a trainer Be a member of local arrangement or program committee
Leading the way Why I should become a leader Recognition by clientele, colleagues Continuous learning experience Way to consolidate networking among peers Brings motivation, emulation Vehicule to break down isolation
Leading the Way Acronyms Revisited DDI: Data Delinquency Initiative DLI: Data Leadership Initiative URL: Unique Recognized Leadership