MICE VC Alain Blondel 1 MICE NEWS MICE VC Spectrometer solenoid 2. Magnetic shielding 3. Next Collaboration meeting
MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 Here's September 17 update on the Spectrometer Solenoid training: Approximately 400 liters of excess LHe from the 88" Cyclotron Group at LBNL was delivered to Wang NMR today (Monday). The magnet cold mass was topped off, and another training run was carried out using the 3 power supplies in manual mode. The quench, which initiated in the E2 coil, occurred at the following currents: M1=225 A, M2=272 A, E1/C/E2=272 A and appeared to be normal training. Note that these currents are just above the nominal operating currents (240 MeV/c) and a few amps below the target for the training. The test plan calls for ramping to the target currents (2% above operating), ramping back down to operating, and holding for a 24 hour period. I added today's data point to the previous plots (attached). The quench propagated from E2 through the other coils over a 5.7 second period. The power supplies and fast DAQ/quench system all functioned as expected. The magnet was cooled back down and the cold mass filled approximately half full with LHe. The coils were all ramped to 10 A with no problems observed. Another 1500 liter LHe delivery from the FNAL contract is expected by some time tomorrow (Tuesday). The next training run will likely be on Wednesday.. Steve Virostek
MICE VC Alain Blondel 3 nominal 240 MeV/c Target We are very close, holding our breath…
MICE VC Alain Blondel 4 Magnetic shielding (see Andy’s presentation later on) As you recall point was made at Glasgow that a number of services and power supplies could not operate in the present understanding of stray magnetic fields A Magnetic shielding group has been meeting regularly since the Glasgow CM33 -- concentrated on mitigation of stray field by moving sensitive elements to less exposed areas as only way to keep step IV schedule -- already as soon as SS1 is arrived at RAL -- also received input from US group elvaluating possibity of implementing a flux return as it will be needed for step VI in any case and may need earlier implementation issue brought forward to TB last week, will be discussed/decided further at EB next monday -- preferred recommandation is to obtain access to plant room -- otherwise park items along west hall and temporarily behind north hall -- continue investigations of flux return -- publicise results as MICE notes
MICE VC Alain Blondel 5 Collaboration meeting October A short collaboration meeting at RAL Linda is in charge of agenda. Web page and registration prepared by Debbie Loader – delay due to RAL computer breakdown yesterday (also mailing lists etc…) Get ready to attend! meeting will start 17Oct 9:00 and finish 19Oct at 13:00 -- Eb 19 Oct afternoon (non EB can organize own working meetings) -- Schedule meeting 16Oct in the afternoon in preparation for MICE project board 31Oct