開場及結語 介紹 回應介紹及歡迎 自我介紹
1. 開場及結語 Ladies and Gentlemen, please allow me to give a word of welcome to our guest. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our distinguished guests[貴賓], … I have the pleasure of speaking to you about… I’m very pleased to speak to you about… It is a great pleasure to be here today. I’m very glad to be with you.
I am happy to see all of you. I’m glad all of you could attend. It is my great pleasure to have this opportunity of personally offering you a few words of greeting. I am more than happy that all of us are gathered in this hall today to exchange views.
2. 介紹 Now, I am pleased to introduce to you Dr. A. Allow me to introduce to you Dr. A. Let me introduce to you Dr. A. Ladies and gentlemen, I now have the great honor to introduce to you Mr. A. He will deliver his opening address[開場致詞] to the General Assembly[聯合國大會]. Now, Mr. A… Mr. A is a man who, in this field, offers great promise for the future.
Dr. A is a figure who is being closely watched by academic circles because of the successful results of his research. Dr. A is a man whom we all know by his publications; now it gives me great pleasure to present Dr. A himself. Mr. A’s achievements are highly esteemed[尊敬;敬重] the world over. Mr. A’s presence at this conference gives it greater meaning.
I should now like to introduce to you the outstanding achievements of three of our members (gentlemen; of our speakers). Dr. E was born in Kyoto. He studied mechanical engineering at Tokyo University which granted (gave) him a B.S. degree in 1960, an M.S. degree in 1962, and a Ph.D. degree in 1966. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. A will now address you [為我們致詞].
3. 回應介紹及歡迎 Thank you for your kind introduction. I am very pleased with the introduction. I appreciate your words of introduction. Mr. A, I am flattered[奉承,恭維] by your kind introduction. Mr. A, thank you for your kind introduction.
I do not deserve your very nice compliments but I appreciate your kind words in introduction, although I’m afraid I don’t deserve them. I certainly appreciate all those fine things the chairman just said about me, but I don’t deserve them. I am very pleased and honored to be here, today. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you. Compliment: 恭維,誇獎
4. 自我介紹 Could you introduce yourself in turn? My name is Kazuo Tanaka. Kazuo Tanaka is my name. I am engaged in the Division of Research and Development of M Company. For the most part, I have been (am) in charge of various works in our construction division.