Coulomb dissociation for astrophysics T. Gomi (RIKEN) 22Mg(p,γ)23Al


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Presentation transcript:

Coulomb dissociation for astrophysics T. Gomi (RIKEN) 22Mg(p,γ)23Al Outline ・ Reaction scheme, experimental setup ・ Relation with stellar reaction,    Experimental advantage ・ Experimental results, astrophysical implications ・ General questions for C.D. exp. Today, I would like to talk about coulomb dissociation for astrophysics. using the case of 22Mg(p,g)23Al study, I will introduce reaction scheme, and experimental setup. And then, talk on relationship with stellar reaction and experimental advantage of this method. And I will show experimental results and astrophysical implications. Finally, I will show the general questions for Coulomb dissociation experiment.

Collaborators T. Gomi,1 T. Motobayashi,2 Y. Ando,1 N. Aoi,2 H. Baba,1 K. Demichi,1 Z. Elekes,3 N. Fukuda,2 Zs. Fulop,3 U. Futakami,1 H. Hasegawa,1 Y. Higurashi,2 K. Ieki,1 N.Imai,2 M. Ishihara,2 K. Ishikawa,4 N. Iwasa,5 H. Iwasaki,6 S. Kanno,1 Y. Kondo,4 T. Kubo,2 S. Kubono,7 M. Kunibu,1 K. Kurita,1 Y. U. Matsuyama,1 S. Michimasa,7 T. Minemura,2 M. Miura,4 H. Murakami,1 T. Nakamura,4 M. Notani,7 S. Ota,8 A. Saito,1 H. Sakurai,6 M. Serata,1 S. Shimoura,7 T. Sugimoto,4 E. Takeshita,1 S. Takeuchi,2 Y. Togano,1 K. Ue ,6 K. Yamada,1 Y. Yanagisawa,2 K. Yoneda,2 and A.Yoshida2 1 Rikkyo university 5 Tohoku university 2 RIKEN 6 University of Tokyo 3 ATOMKI (Hungary) 7 CNS, University of Tokyo 4 Tokyo Institute of Tokyo 8 Kyoto University

γ Coulomb dissociation method - measurement of the inverse reaction - one of the indirect method for study stellar reactions 22Mg(p,γ)23Al : stellar, radiative capture reaction inverse reaction 23Al(γ,p)22Mg γ 23Al High-Z target (Pb) 22Mg p 23Al* Incident beam ・ 2 particle in coincidence ・ momentum vector Coulomb dissociation method, It’s a measurement of the inverse reaction of the stellar, radiative capture reaction. the incident 23Al beam bombards a high-Z target , lead , and It’s Coulomb excited to an unbound state that decay to the 22Mg plus proton channel. This process is regarded as absorption of a photon. Experimental requirement is to measure 2 particles in coincidence and to measure the momentum vector of each particle. And with invariant mass method, we can deduce the relative energy. This energy corresponds to the center of mass Energy in stellar reaction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ クーロン分解法では、23Alをビームとして、鉛などZの大きい標的に入射し、 そこでのクーロン場、電磁相互作用により23Alを励起させ、分解片22Mg と陽子を測 定します。 ・ invariant mass → relative energy corresponds to the CM energy in the stellar reaction photo absorption

stellar 22Mg(p,γ)23Al reaction Resonant capture reaction through the first excited state in 23Al 1st excited state is located near Gamow window in typical Novae. Q: The influence is strong ?? or not ?? in stars. Level structure Strength ∝ Γγ theoretical prediction NO measurement ! Let me show the level structure of 23Al. Present study focused on the resonant capture reaction through the first excited state in 23Al. First excited state is located at about 400 keV above proton threshold. and near Gamow energy in typical nova So question is that the effect is strong or not. Excitation energy is already measured with nucleon transfer reaction by MSU group. This spin value is theoretical prediction. Recently, some groups performed experiments. Now it’s under disscition. AND Strength is also theoretical prediction. No measurement. So, we determined it by Coulomb dissociation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ここに23Alと22Mgの現在わかっている準位構造をしめしました。 23Alの第一励起状態は、 天体での反応がもっとも盛んにおこるがもふエネルギーになおすと 温度が0.5Gk の時に相当します。 (Nova) Coulomb dissociation

Experimental Setup - RIKEN RIPS beamline - p Silicon telescope Pb target 87mg/cm2 p 23Al 50AMeV 1m 22Mg Silicon telescope NaI(Tl) detector (de-excitation γ-ray from 22Mg) 2.5m 0.5m Plastic Hodoscope Experimental setup. Experiment was performed at RIKEN RIPS beamline. The reaction products was measured by suitable detectors for 2 particles, silicon telescope and plastic hodoscope. Silicon telescope is position-sensitive type with 5mm width strips. So we can measured the momentum vector of each particles. Additionally, NaI detector surround the target To measure the de-excitation gamma-ray from 22Mg. This information is used to confirm the final state of this reaction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ was measured by silicon telescope and plastic hodoscope. They were set at 0.5m and 3m downstream from the target. Silicon telescope is consisted of 4 layers. Layer 1 and 2 have a striped electrode. X or Y So we measured the position of proton and Mg22. Mg22 stooped at layer4. The total energy is measured. Proton go punched through the silicon telescope and Is measured by plastic 実験は理化学研究所のRIPSと呼ばれるビームラインで行いました。 鉛標的があって、23Alビームが入射してきます。 スピードは光速の約30%です。 分解片の測定には、シリコン半導体検出器と プラスチックシンチレータを使っています。 標的からの距離は50cmと3mで 全体を真空槽にいれています。 分解片それぞれの運動量を測定しました。 このシリコン検出器はそう特殊なものではないのですが、 今回、このプラスチック検出器と組み合わせたシステムを 作るあげることにより、先ほどいったように 測定領域を広げることができるようになりました。 15cm ・ suitable detectors for each particle ・ momentum vector ・ γ-ray detector (to confirm the final state) Position-sensitive (5mm width strips)

Coulomb dissociation reaction and stellar capture reaction Relation between Coulomb dissociation reaction and stellar capture reaction 23Al + 208Pb → 22Mg + p + 208Pb : Coulomb dissociation LARGE ! σC.D. = 4 mb Virtual photon theory σpeak = 30μb 23Al (γ,p) 22Mg : Photo absorption Relationship between coulomb dissociation and stellar capture reaction is the following. Coulomb dissociation reaction is connected to the photo absorption reaction with virtual photon theory. Photo absorption reaction is converted to the proton capture reaction using the detailed valance relation. These relation enhance the cross-section even if the original proton capture reaction has nano-barn order, but Coulomb dissociation has milli-barn order. Large cross section is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the one of the merit of Coulomb dissociation Detailed valance σpeak = 60 nb 22Mg ( p,γ) 23Al : Proton capture Large cross section of C.D. is …

Advantage of Coulomb dissociation Exp. Compared to the capture reaction measurement Nuclear Structure suitable or not ? ・ Large cross section ~ mb ・ Intermediate energy beam (50AMeV) enable us to use thick target (87mg/cm2 Pb) easy difficult 23Al etc… A B + p ・excited state below Sp ・can not simulate the inverse of stellar reaction, exactly ・ 23Al has simple structure, it’s suitable for C.D. exp. 400counts/3.5days with 104 cps C.D. has Large yield ! even if WEAK beam ! Large cross section is one of the merit of this method compared to the capture reaction and as other advantage, Intermediate energy beam enable us to use thick target. On the other hand, It is difficult to measure the nuclei, which has the complex structure like this. This nuclei has the excited state below the proton threshould. In this case, we can not simulate the inverse reaction of stellar reaction exactly, and it is hard to measure. In the case of 23Al, It has simple, easy structure. So, from these advantage, Coulomb dissociation has large yield even if weak beam intensity. If, When you measure the capture reaction, you should prepare 22Mg beam with 10 to the thirteenth cps. I think it’s not attainable now. Up to now, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When one measure the capture reaction, one should prepare 22Mg beam with 1013 cps. very intense beam, not attainable!! Up to now,…

Stellar reactions studied by Coulomb dissociation using radioactive isotope beams Steady burning ⇒ recent result GSI (254AMeV) RIKEN, MSU (50~80AMeV) Notre Dome (3AMeV) Solar neutrino 7Be(p,γ)8B CNO cycle 14N(p,γ)15O RIKEN (100AMeV) (Coulomb excitation, sub-threshold state) Explosive burning 12C(p,γ)13N RIKEN (78AMeV) 13N(p,γ)14O RIKEN (88AMeV), GANIL (70AMeV ) hot CNO cycle 8B(p,γ)9C RIKEN (70AMeV) 11C(p,γ)12N GANIL,RIKEN (70AMeV) 12N(p,γ)13O RIKEN (84AMeV) hot pp mode 22Mg(p,γ)23Al RIKEN (50AMeV) 26Si(p,γ)27P RIKEN (50AMeV) Up to now, Many Coulomb dissociation experiments has been performed. I listed here the experiment using radioactive isotope beam related to stellar reaction. For steady buruning, 7Be (p,gamma) reaction at GSI, and RIKEN, MSU, and Notre Dome. and N14 (p,g) reaction. For explosive burning, From the 12C (p,gamma) reaction To 26Si (p,gamma) reaction are performed. Of course, neutron capture reaction can be measured with this method. 14C(n, gamma), 18C(n,gamma) and so on. Here, let me introduce the resent result. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rp-process r-process 8Li(n,γ)9Li MSU (40AMeV) Neutron capture 14C(n,γ)15C GSI (605AMeV), RIKEN (70AMeV), MSU (35AMeV) neutron induced CNO cycle r-process 18C(n,γ)19C RIKEN (67AMeV) → T.Nakamura

GSI experiment : 7Be(p,γ)8B by F. Shumann, K. Suemmerer, et al. Lehrstuhl für Physik mit Ionenstrahlen (EP III) Arbeitsgruppe Nukleare Astrophysik Prof. Dr. C. Rolfs Talk: 21st Brussels Meeting 2004 Monday, 13.12.2004 Indirect determination of the astrophysical S-factor of 7Be(p,g)8B via high-energy Coulomb Dissociation of 8B Frank Schümann GSI experiment for 7Be(p,g) reaction Title yomu. I will show the final result only

S17 - Factor Descouvemont modell leads to S17(0)=20.4  1.2  1.0 eV-b. Recently, the data is improved, blue one, descuvemont model leads to S17 –factor. It agrees with Junghans data, purpule triangle, from direct measurement. C.D. is alternative method to determine S-factor Recently, the experimental data was improved (blue circle) . and Descouvemount model leads to S17 (0)-factor. This agrees with the direct measurement data (triangle) by Junghans et al. (S17 (0)=22.3±0.7±0.5 eV・b) This results demonstrate that C.D. is an alternative method to determine S17-factor.

Extension of the field of Coulomb dissociation experiment p-shell region sd-shell region (p,γ) reaction Far from the stability 22Mg(p,γ)23Al About the (p,gamma) reaction, the filed of experiment is extended from p-shell nuclei to sd-shell nuclei. And toward the far from stability. OK, I will back to the 23Al experiment. -------------------------------------------------------- Back to ….

Relative energy spectrum Experimental result Relative energy spectrum 22Mg(p,γ)23Al Higher excited state 1st excited state (objective state) Counts /150keV continuum component: E1 , constant astrophysical S -factor So , this figure is relative energy spectrum. This peak corresponds to the first excited state and objective of present study. We can see the another peak, from higher excited state. We take into account the continuum component. Assuming the E1 transition and constant s-factor, we obtained this shape . And amplitude is decided by fitting. The width of this spectrum is due to the experimental resolution, at 400keV, 170keV. So, we identify the reaction through the first excited state. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 得られた相対エネルギースペクトルを示します。 今回目的とする第一励起状態を経由した反応はこの赤いピークになります。 この幅は検出器の分解能で説明できます。 こちらはこのあたりからの分解過程だと考えれられます。 共鳴反応に相当する反応反応に対してはガウス分布で、 直接反応に相当する反応過程に対しては予想される関数を使って ふぃってんぐしてあります。 このように目的とする第一励起状態からの分解過程が 特定できます。 1000 2000 3000 4000 Relative energy [keV] ・ energy resolution 170keV (Erel = 400keV) ・ identify the reaction through the first excited state clearly.

Angular distribution P l = 2 l = 1 consistent 23Al l = 2 22Mg P 23Al * Coulomb + Nuclear l = 2 l = 1 23Al g.s. (5/2+ : shell model) 0.528 (1/2+ : shell model) consistent “βC” = “βN” distorted-wave calculation optical potential : 17O+208Pb (84AMeV) collective (vibrational) model Small “Nuclear” component : 8 % l = 2 Coulomb ONLY Coulomb and nuclear response is considered as same deformation parameter. This is the angular distribution When the 23Al is excited to the first excited state. Solid circle is experimental data. Solid curve is L=2 , dashed curve is L=1 transition. predicted by distorted wave calculation with this optical potential. This result is consistent with the spin value predicted by the standard shell model. Let me show this small nuclear component In this experiment. like this . The influence for final gamma-gamma value is only 8 %. From the cross section, Radiative width, gamma-gamma, is determined to be 7.2 10 to the seventh eV. This value has direct effect on the resonant reaction strength. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let me show that, in this experiment, nuclear excitation is small. In this figure, I assumed the Coulomb plus Nuclear response. And these response is same magnitude as deformation parameter. Then, In this figure, artificially, I change the nuclear response. This deviation is only 8 % . The reason is small nuclear response. It is sure that Coulomb dissociation experiment. Next, I will show the astrophysical implication of this result. ------------------------------------------------------------------- これが実験データで、この線は、DWBAを用いた反応理論からの予想を 実験装置の応答を考慮した値をむすんだものです。 移行角運動量を2とした場合と、1とした場合をそれぞれ実線と破線で示します。 このようにL=2であることがしめされます。 次にこれなんですが、 本研究では、クーロン力による分解過程を想定していますが、 核力に対する応答が気になるので、わざと、 核力にたいする敏感さをクーロン力に対する敏感さに対して 30%増やしたり、へらしたりしてみます。 この範囲は、まわりの原子核から考えて妥当な範囲です。 その結果、角度分布の変動はこの点線のように変化します。 こちらのL=1にたいして同様なことをおこなっても この線の太さ以内の変化です。 これらの結果からも移行角運動量が2であることが支持されます。 = (7.2 ±1.7) × 10-7 eV Coulomb + Nuclear Compatible with the predicted value by J.A. Caggiano 5.49×10-7 eV Nuclear ONLY Astrophysical implications

Astrophysical implication 22Mg(p,γ)23Al Astrophysical implication our experimental data → reaction rate → competition with βdecay Nucleosynthesis in explosive hydrogen burning (Novae, X-ray bursts) 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 T [GK] 106 104 102 100 ρ [g/cm3] Which? This reaction is related to Nucleosyntheis In explosive hydrogen burning such as Nova or X-ray burst. Reaction flow ,reaction path, have a effect on the final abundance of these nuclei. Using our experimental data, Reatcion rate is calculated, We can the competition with beta-decay in each temparature and density condition. This orange curve indicated that p,gamma reaction balanced with beta-decay. I also plotted the profile predicted by some nova models. In this condition, Beta-decay is favored rather than (p,g) reaction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nucleosynthesis in explosive hydrogen burning, such as nove or X-ray bursts. Heavier nuclei and cosmic gamma ray-emitter, like a 22Na or 26Al is generated. Reaction path, network path have the effect on the final abundance of these nuclei. With our experimental data, I calculated the astrophysical reaction rate, then, consider the competition with beta-decay. This orange line indicate that p,gamma reaction balanced with beta-decay in each density and temperature. Typical nova condition is dashed line. So in nova like this, Beta-decay is favored, and p,gamma reaction may occur in more high temperature and density condition. Nova Model M1 : J.Jose et al Astrophys. J. 520 347 (1999) M2 : C. Iliadis Astrophys. J. Supp. 142 105 (2002) Cosmic γ-emitter Ne nova M.Wiescher Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (1998) βdecay is favored rather than (p,γ) reaction

for Coulomb dissociation in general Questions for Coulomb dissociation in general ・ Sensitivity depends on the transition type (E1, E2, M1,….) due to different fluxes of photons ・ For low-Z nuclei, “nuclear” component is not small. ・ Higher order processes (post acceleration, ….) To solve… Reaction mechanism etc.. → K. Ogata  Experiments give various data. ・ incident beam with different energy ex: 3AMeV– 250AMeV ・ Low-Z target (probe) instead of Pb ex: p,α,C,… ・ angular or momentum distribution ・ selection of impact parameter ・ and so on. → T. Nakamura Finally, I would like to talk on questions for Coulomb dissociation in general. Sensitivity depends on the transition type. E1,E2,M1 and so on. Due to different fluxes of photons. In the 23Al case, it’s OK, but Low-Z nuclei, nuclear response is not small. And Higher order process like a post acceleration and so on. To understand these character, experiment will give various data with wide range for incident beam energy, using the low-Z target instead of Pb. Angular or momentum distribution and selection of impact parameter and so on. Some of them will be presented by Nakamura-san this evening. of course, Reaction mechanism theory Is also. This detail will be mentioned by Ogata-san this afternoon. -------------------------------------------------- Of course, need strong relationship with theory, reaction mechanism, which may be presented by Ogata-san, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Theory Experiment

Coulomb dissociation method is useful Summary Coulomb dissociation method is useful to study astrophysical (p,γ), (n,γ) reactions. ・ measurement of the inverse reaction of the stellar reaction ・ advantage (large cross section, thick target) → large yields → we can access stellar reactions which direct measurement cannot. ・ 22Mg(p,γ)23Al - rp-process – resonant reaction rate through the first excited state reaction network (competition with βdecay) ・ This method has some questions theory + experiment will give the solution. I summarized my talk. Coulomb dissociation method is useful to study astrophysical (p,gamma),(n,gamma) reactions It’s the measurement of the inverse reaction of the stellar reaction. It has advantage, large cross section, use of thick target, and the good yields. So this method can access stellar reactions, Which direct measurement cannot access. I introduced the experiment for 22Mg(p,gamma) reaction related to rp-process. We determined the resonant reaction rate through the first excited state, and the reaction network competition with beta-decay. This method has some questions theory and experiment collaboration give the solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------