Diversity Week Everything you needed to know about Japan but were afraid to ask Our Aims for the week involve developing mutual Tolerance and Respectful.


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Presentation transcript:

Diversity Week Everything you needed to know about Japan but were afraid to ask Our Aims for the week involve developing mutual Tolerance and Respectful Attitudes

Circle the correct answer. 1.Japan has the world’s first/second/third economy. 2.Japan’s capital city is called Kyoto/Tokyo/Hiroshima. 3.Japanese people eat more eggs/meat/fish than any other country in the world. 4.The population in Japan is 126/127/128 million people. 5.55%/65%/75% of the population live in cities. 6.Konnichiwa means hello/goodbye/how are you. 7.The currency in Japan is the peso/euro/yen. Already finished? Write down any other facts you know about Japan. Japanese Quiz

Japan Obj: To design a booklet people of Sheffield all about Japan Look at the pictures and map below Describe where Japan is in the world Describe the features you can see and add any from your general knowledge if you can …

Label the map of Japan:  Capital City different seas/oceans surrounding it  Mount Fuji  Mountainous areas (green)  flat lands (yellow)  Main cities – Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe, Osaka, Yokohama  4 main islands of Japan

Label the map of Japan:  Capital City different seas/oceans surrounding it  Mount Fuji  Mountainous areas (green)  flat lands (yellow)  Main cities – Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe, Osaka, Yokohama  4 main islands of Japan

Some Japanese people spend long hours at work and have few holidays. They can be very loyal to their place of work and to their family. They are also highly educated and skilled. Leading Japanese companies, like Toyota and Sony have become household names across the world. TTYP How many of these do you recognise?

Sheffield is a home for many Japanese students who travel a long way to study at our university. But the Japanese culture spreads past the university? Can you think of any examples?

Japan consists of four large islands and over 1000 smaller ones. It located off the east coast of Asia in the Pacific Ocean. For much of its history Japan has been isolated from most countries of the outside world. This isolation has allowed it to develop a unique culture and way of life. Japan is famous for its origami chopsticks and sushi, karate and kimonos, but also lots lots more...

Japan – a land of volcanoes and earthquakes The surface of the earth is not all in one piece. It is broken into several pieces called plates. The movement if plates created Japan with its mountains and volcanoes. They also cause volcanic eruptions and earthquakes which can destroy cities and leave many people dead. Most recently, Japan was hit by a massive Tsunami in March 2011 as a result of a 9.0 magnitude earthquake.

Where do people live in Japan? Parts of central Tokyo have the highest population densities in the world. However, the total population of Japan is increasing very slowly. Japan’s population, as in most countries, is not evenly spread out. As 87 per cent of Japan is mountainous, there are large areas where few people live. Most Japanese live in large towns and cities which are crowded onto narrow strips of flat land which lie next to the sea. These coastal areas are among the most densely (heavily) populated regions in the world.

Hokkaido The most northern of Japan’s four main islands, Hokkaido is very mountainous and has a cold climate. Sapporo has an annual snow festival and hosted the 1972 Winter Olympics and concerts by Pink Floyd.

Kyushu This island has active volcanoes, tropical plants and a very warm, wet climate.

Honshu Honshu is Japan’s largest island. It has high mountains, large forests, many volcanoes and attractive lakes. Its climate is at its best during cherry blossom time in spring and when the leaves of trees change colour in autumn. Honshu is the most densely populated island. It contains many traditional wooden castles, shrines and temples as well as large modern cities such as Tokyo and Osaka.

You for the Japanese Tourist Board Make a booklet or information sheet to tell people about Japan Purpose – To inform people about Japan Audience – The people of Sheffield Format – Information Display

Success Criteria …. You need to include: 1. Location of Japan (where is Japan in the world) 2. A fact file of key facts about Japan 3. Landmarks in Japan (Human and Physical) 4. Your choice of two other sections using the ‘Japan’ Booklet Good Luck with your job! Prime Minister Shinzo Abe