IBSA Report Presentation (2013)
IBSA BACKGROUND IBSA is a unique Forum which brings together (India, Brazil and South Africa), three large democracies and major economies from three different continents, facing similar challenges. The idea of establishing IBSA was discussed at a meeting between the then Prime Minister of India and the then Presidents of Brazil and South Africa in Evian on 2 June 2003 on the margins of the G-8 Summit.
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Joint Working Groups People-to-People Forums( Parliamentary Forum, Women's Forum, Academic Forum, Local Governance Forum, Business Forum, and Editors' Forum) Focal Points Trilateral Commission www. ibsa-trilateral.org
2013 MINISTERIAL WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Purpose To strengthen partnership between the three countries To bring together experiences and share best practices on promoting gender equality and women empowerment, Explore policies and programmes for the betterment of status of women in the three member countries and reduce violence against women and children
STAKEHOLDE’S CONSULTATIVE DIALOGUE(14-15 May 2013) 1.Ending Violence against Women and Girls: Building Safe Urban and Rural Space in the Context of Increasing Urbanization –Evidence based and prevention strategies for tackling domestic violence, sexual harassment at workplaces and sexual assault and other crimes against women amongst the three partner countries through institutional mechanisms evidence. –Awareness raising campaigns and advocacy; community mobilization; fostering networks and civil society partnerships and sharing of best practices –Development of action oriented road map to combat violence against women and girls in the wake of growing urban insecurities.
STAKEHOLDE’S CONSULTATIVE DIALOGUE(14-15 May 2013) CONT 2. Political Participation and Leadership: Exploring Gender Roles in Nation Building Promoting women’s political participation and leadership amongst IBSA partner countries enhancing their overall empowerment while also adding to the process of good governance. Supporting constructive efforts of elected women representatives to articulate their collective views on a national platform Harnessing the political and organizational power of women by supporting and promoting gender- responsive grassroot democratic structures critical for women’s empowerment Sharing of innovative and best practices
STAKEHOLDE’S CONSULTATIVE DIALOGUE(14-15 May 2013) CONT 3. Empowering Rural and Marginalized Women: A Holistic Approach. Strategies for improving rural women’s workforce participation for economic empowerment and improving employability through identification of new and emerging work opportunities and appropriate skill up gradation, product quality development, market linkages, along with access to health and proper sanitation services amongst the IBSA partner countries Developing initiatives to help transform existing Self Help Groups from being small affinity groups to formation of federations that directly contribute to production, processing and marketing with access to financial credit instruments. highlighting the emerging issues, challenges from the perspective of rural and marginalized women. Awareness raising campaigns and advocacy; community mobilization; fostering networks and civil society partnerships and sharing of best practices
STAKEHOLDE’S CONSULTATIVE DIALOGUE(14-15 May 2013) CONT 4. Strengthening Social Protection Systems within the Developmental Framework: Schematic Interventions for Women and Children. A minimum floor of social security benefits for women and children and vulnerable groups which guarantee of universal access to essential services for care and protection in the IBSA partner countries Strategies for strengthening and institutionalizing protection systems amongst the three partner countries including need based programming, advocacy for budgets for women and children, Impact evaluation of ongoing schemes and programmes targeting women and children Guaranteed access to basic means-tested or self-targeted social assistance for poor and assetless women.
STAKEHOLDE’S CONSULTATIVE DIALOGUE(14-15 May 2013) CONT 5. Gender Responsive Budgeting: Ensuring the inclusion of gender commitments into budgetary allocations. Processes towards strengthening the ongoing efforts of gender budgeting at all levels of governance Challenges in developing convergence action plans and mechanisms for preparing the same to translate stated gender commitments into budgetary commitments amongst IBSA partner countries. Initiating processes for collection and use of standardized gender disaggregated data across sectors for planning and budgeting fostering networks of gender budget analysis groups and civil society partnerships and sharing of best practices and innovative practices
6. Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality: Post 2015 Development Agenda. Recommendations for the post 2015 agenda (gender equality, education, health, decent work and equal opportunities, Assessing the current scenario in terms of gender inequality and identifying emerging priorities Monitoring the progress in the implementation of the post-2015 framework especially in terms empowerment thereby accelerating and adapting the process to contemporary challenges While recognizing that gender inequality is a universal concern, the partner countries would like the greater engagement of women as participants in the global processes, where they are regularly consulted on what they see as priorities for the development of their communities. STAKEHOLDE’S CONSULTATIVE DIALOGUE(14-15 May 2013) CONT
Women’s Forum Resolution 2013 to reiterate the partner countries commitment towards women’s development and gender equality. INDIA: Minister of Department of Women in India, Ms Krisha Tirath BRAZIL: Secretary for Policy Evaluation & Economic Autonomy of Women, Tatau Godinho, SOUTH AFRICA: Minister of Women, Children and People living with dissability: Lulu Xingwana IBSA Women’s Forum Resolution 2013 ( 16 May 2013)
STUDY TOUR( 17 May 2013) 1.Special police station for women and children dowry deaths, honor killings, rape and sexual harassment, abetment for suicide, kidnapping and abduction, molestation, trafficking of women self defence training for girls during school holidays
Study Tour 2. National Commission For Women Mandate Review the Constitutional and Legal safeguards for women ; Recommend remedial legislative measures ; Facilitate redresses of grievances and Advise the Government on all policy matters affecting women. The Commission consists of A Chairperson, committed to the cause of women, nominated by the Central Government, five members nominated by the Central Government, Member- Secretary nominated by the Central Government. Website: ncw.nic.in
STUDY TOUR( 17 May 2013) 3. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh: National Credit Fund for Poor Women This organization provides women with working capital loans, franchise loans, start up loans and housing loans.
STUDY TOUR( 17 May 2013) 4. Prayas Juvenile AID Centre basic care, development and empowerment opportunities to neglected and street working children in India. It advocates an alternative form of education to make primary education accessible,