A Special Thank You to our Hosts: FOREST HIGH SCHOOL OF OCALA Mr. Chester Gregory, Principal & Mr. James “Jody” Phillips, Athletic Director
and... On behalf of Dr. Dearing... Thank you for all of the time and energy you give to our students. We appreciate your commitment to student-athletes.
Following are Topics Dr. Dearing would like me to present tonight …we will discuss in Open Forum if there are any questions.
committees for associations MUST BE ACTIVE & WORKING
assignment Responsible for overseeing the entire contest assignment procedure within the local officials association. Ensuring compliance with requirements on composition of official’s schedule of assigned contests. Approving each member official’s schedule of assigned contests.
recommendation Responsible for reviewing the evaluation of each member official during the regular season. Responsible for preparing and submitting to FHSAA a list of member officials who deserve consideration for assignment to State Series.
grievance Responsible for hearing complaints & appeals made or brought by one or more of its member officials. Members may appeal under the provisions of the local officials association’s Constitutions & Bylaws.
obligations of officials association Education Training Distribution of Materials Changes in Membership
education / training Responsible for planning, content, & implementation of training sessions, including on-the-field/court training. Educate your officials! NFHS rules & mechanics. Develop a current & effective curriculum effective in both content & methodology.
education of member officials Educate your officials in the rules of the sport.
training of member officials Minimum of two training sessions for its member officials during the regular season in each sport.
distribution of materials It is the responsibility of the local association to distribute FHSAA material to its members.
changes in membership Local associations are responsible for informing the FHSAA of any changes to, or discrepancies in, the muster reports (membership lists) that the FHSAA provides to the local association.
reports Also… Survey of membership demographics may be requested. Survey of membership demographics may be requested.
due process Everyone must be given DUE PROCESS. Have your due process steps in your bylaws/policies.
private/public ALL Charges Must be the Must be the Same. Same.
evaluation program (currently basketball) Purpose: To match the increase in number of games, physical play, and knowledge demands on both regular season & State Series officials, the FHSAA has begun its development of a series of comprehensive evaluation camps. Mission: To provide a preseason measuring tool for both the FHSAA & local associations to discover excellence, stimulate improvement, provide accurate data for reflection, ascertain weaknesses, & give measures for improvement.
evaluation program (currently basketball) Goals: 1. To improve individual officials 2. To rank order individual officials 3. Promote standardized mechanics through the evaluation process 4. To be consistent 5. Stop the biasness of the observers
to provide consistency in evaluations. to allow field clinic to focus more on education. to allow officials to work outside their comfort zone (mixed crews). to develop a consistent message to each association. to provide “younger” officials the chance to be seen by FHSAA evaluators. to develop a database of post season officials. expansion sports - soccer & softball. Where we are going with evaluation camps
budget updates from the desk of Linda Robertson
p rojected revenue $4,619,042
expense s 4,585,938
official’s registration Program Revenue $468,500
official’s program Direct Expenses $386,993
officials program 8,394 Registered Officials 11,287 Sports Registrations 953 Field Clinic Registrations
prevent fines 1. 25% of all fines were late registrations 2. Plan ahead – meet deadlines 3. If you have a valid excuse --- request a waiver
fine waivers During , 6% officials that were fined appealed FHSAA granted: 199 appeals were approved and waivers granted Approximately 90% granted
fees $8 ………....Annual Administration Fee for Insurance $27 ……….On-line Registration (per sport) $40 - $75…Field Clinics
NFHS fees survey 35 states responded 24 states charge more than FL for 1 sport 22 states charge more than FL for 2+ sports 28 charge late fees 25 of those charge more or the same as FL’s $10 late fee
officials insurance Applies to all Official’s activities Covers to youth, interscholastic, adult leagues Excludes Professional Sports General Liability - $1 Million per Occurrence ($2 Million max per year) Accident (Excess Coverage) – Up to $50,000, $250 Deductible Accidental Death - $2,500
officials insurance (cont’d.) IMPORTANT: Officials will automatically have insurance with FHSAA when they register NFHS offers individual membership $35, includes: Insurance (Secondary to FHSAA’s policy) Quarterly magazine On-line access to sports manuals (new)
services provided by the FHSAA… to name a few -- Maintain database on work history and certification requirements Process registrations for sports certification, clinics and state series passes Coordinate field clinics (three per year) Collect and record all game reports each sport season Organize Officials Advisory Council and coordinate meeting NF Book ordering and distribution Webpage maintained for Officials information Order patches, and other supplies Provide Training & Evaluations Lobbying on common interests – Jessica Lunsford Act
Athletics & their companion, competition, may be the last stronghold of discipline in our society. Athletics, in particular, are called upon to absorb more of the responsibility for teaching basic social values. Any contribution of this magnitude requires the development of positive, definitive progress. The behavior expected of any participant must be explicitly spelled out.