특별새벽예배 Apr. 1. 2015 특별새벽예배 Apr. 1. 2015 말씀, 기도, 섬김으로 하나님의 뜻을 이루는 밴쿠버중앙장로교회 고난주간.


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Presentation transcript:

특별새벽예배 Apr 특별새벽예배 Apr 말씀, 기도, 섬김으로 하나님의 뜻을 이루는 밴쿠버중앙장로교회 고난주간

I am cleansed through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am free through the blood of Jesus Christ

As I come to worship you-, in this time; I will give my all in all to you, my LORD

Jesus, you were pierced for all my sins, Jesus, you were pierced for all my shame

I no longer live-, but Christ lives in me, so I now live by faith in the Son of God

How sweet it is to- hold my Savior's hand, and How sweet it is to- hold my Savior's feet

If I will die with you Lord, then I will also live with you Forevermore, I'll live for you, Jesus

How sweet it is to- hold my Savior's hand, and How sweet it is to- hold my Savior's feet

If I will die with you Lord, then I will also live with you

Forevermore, I'll live for you, Jesus I'll live for you, alone

보혈을 지나 하 나님 품으로 보혈 을 지나 아버지 품으로 Passing through the blood, into the Lord’s arms Passing through the blood, into my Father’s arms

보혈을 지나 하 나님 품으로 한걸 음씩 나가네 Passing through the blood, into the Lord’s arms I walk there, step by step

보혈을 지나 하 나님 품으로 보혈 을 지나 아버지 품으로 Passing through the blood, into the Lord’s arms Passing through the blood, into my Father’s arms

보혈을 지나 하 나님 품으로 한걸 음씩 나가네 Passing through the blood, into the Lord’s arms I walk there, step by step

존귀한 주보혈이 내영을 새롭게 하시네 Precious blood, through His pure blood I can see my soul gain righteousness

존귀한 주보혈이 내영을 새롭게 하네 Precious blood, through His pure blood I can see my soul gain righteousness

예수님의 보혈로 나의 모든 부끄러움 씻어졌도다 By the power of jesus’blood, by the power of jesus’blood All my inner hurts and pain have been taken away

찬송하세 주 보혈 주가 나를 고치셨도다 Praise the Lord for jesus’blood, Praise the Lord for jesus’blood Praise the Lord for jesus’blood God has healed me now I’m whole again

예수님의 은혜로 나의 모든 슬픔이 사라졌도다 By the power of jesus’grace, by the power of jesus’grace All my inner sadness have been taken away

예수님의 은혜로 나의 모든 괴로움이 씻어졌도다 By the power of jesus’grace, by the power of jesus’grace All my inner suffering have been taken away

찬송하세 주 보혈 주가 나를 고치셨도다 Praise the Lord for jesus’blood, Praise the Lord for jesus’blood Praise the Lord for jesus’blood God has healed me now I’m whole again

Let us sing of His love once again Of the love that can never decay, Of the blood of the Lamb that was slain, Till we praise Him again in that day.

I believe Jesus saves And His blood makes me whither than snow.

There is cleansing and healing for all Who will wash in the life giving flood; There is perfect deliverance and joy To be had in this world through the blood.

I believe Jesus saves And His blood makes me whither than snow.

Then we we`ll march in His name till we come, At His bidding to cease from the fight; And our Saviour shall welcome us home Yo the mansions of glory and light.

I believe Jesus saves And His blood makes me whither than snow.

So with banners unfurl`d to the breeze, Our moto shall "Holiness"be, Till the crown from His hand we shall seize, And the king in His glory we see.

I believe Jesus saves And His blood makes me whither than snow.