Diagnostic, analytic, or compliance to empathy Empathy is positively linked to the performance of company executives It is vital to the performance of executives in some cultures than the others Diagnosing the importance of empathy This is done by answering the following questions- 1. Is empathy needed to be successful in a leaders job? 2. Does empathy influence success more in some cultures than others.
Method of selection Consider the institutional context regarding empathy Have and maintain the stakeholder agreements at hand (Werner & DeSimone 2012). Define the desired empathy performance Description of the actual performance Describe the performance gaps
Continuation Finding the root causes of empathy Select and design intervention procedures Implement interventions for empathy Monitor and evaluate performance of the situation
Stakeholders Owners of the organization Customers Employees Insurance companies Community
Communication strategy Setting rules to govern the employees Coming up with guidelines Having a social platform to make meetings Use of electronic media
Importance of scheduling To organize and finish the project in a timely manner It ensures project success It keeps the project on track Resources are assigned appropriately Few errors are made Customer satisfaction is met easily
Timeline for needs assessment Step 1. collection of the needed data Step 2. obtain the survey information Step 3. conduct a public survey review Step 4. conduct a current review Step 5. sponsor an event
References Werner, J. M., & DeSimone, R. L. (2012). Human resource development (6th ed.). Mason, OH: South- Western.