Desert Island You will be marooned on a desert island. You have sixty seconds to list all the things you think you should take and each person has to contribute at least three items.
Read Acts 6:1-7 What administrative actions do you see the disciples taking? Identify other leadership skills that were important in this situation. What can you apply from this situation to your own situation as a leader?
Management Strategy Plan Act Review Revise
Step 1: Plan Establishing General (Visionary) Goals – Areas such as: Ministry Programs Fundraising Staff Development Board Development Public Relations Establishing Specific (Operational) Goals
SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Limited
Step 2: Act Organize your resources Directing of your staff and volunteers
Step 3: Review On-going monitoring Good documentation practice: – Activity File – Assets File – Confidential Spreadsheets – Correspondence – Account Records – Minute Books – Purchase Approval Records
Step 4: Revise Determine what ministry changes are needed to better achieve the Strategic Plan Determine what leadership changes are needed to better achieve the Strategic Plan Determine what ministry procedural changes are needed to better achieve the Strategic Plan Determine which priorities need to be realigned to better achieve the Strategic Plan Determine if the Strategic Plan needs to be revised