Education and Training 2010: Work on teacher competences 24 October 2005 Seán Feerick DG Education and Culture
Policy Context Work on teachers Common European principles Format of Presentation
Investment in human resources European networks and common principles Implementation of policies First Joint Interim Report to the European Council 2004
Mid-Term Review of the Commission to Spring European Council 2005 Delivering Growth and Jobs Knowledge and innovation Key role of education
Five European Benchmarks in Education and Training by 2010 : 10% early school leavers Decrease of least 20% of low-achieving 15-year-olds in reading literacy At least 85% of 22-year-olds should have completed upper-secondary Education Increase by at least 15% of the number of graduates in mathematics, science and technology -decrease of gender imbalance Participation in lifelong learning should be at least 12.5% of the adult working age population (25-64 age group).
Progress in the 5 benchmarks Benchmark 2000Today (2004) Trend 2010 Benchmark 2010 Will target be achieved ? 1. Early school leavers, (%)* More work 2. MST graduates (2000) (2001) (02) (03) (+35%) (+15%)** YES 3. Youth education Attainment (upp.sec) % More work 4. Low achieving 15 year olds, reading, % % (15.5) More work 5. Participation in LLL, % of adults* More work * Change in series, ** 2001 result used as a base
“The success of the Lisbon Strategy hinges on urgent reforms” First Joint Interim Report to the European Council 2004 EDUCATION & TRAINING 2010
Many warning lights are still on Rate of early school leavers still too high Too few women in scientific and technological fields Nearly 20% of young people fail to acquire key competences VET not sufficiently attractive Too few adults participating in lifelong learning Shortage of qualified teachers and trainers is looming FIRST JOINT REPORT TO THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL
Key messages about teachers Central to ensuring success of reform TEACHERS AND TRAINERS
Make the profession of teacher/trainer more attractive Attract the most talented into the profession Improve retention by encouraging and rewarding good performance Prepare them for their new roles in the knowledge-based society and in transforming education and training systems Make the profession of teacher/trainer more attractive TEACHERS AND TRAINERS
Common European Principles for Teacher Competences and Qualifications Support reform at national level and promote mutual trust COMMON FRAMEWORK
Common European Principles Well-qualified profession Lifelong learning context Mobile profession Partnerships
Knowledge of subject matter Knowledge of pedagogy Skills and competences to guide and support learners Understanding of social and cultural dimension of Education Well-qualified profession
Continuum of professional development encouraged and supported at system level Teachers recognise importance of their lifelong professional development Teachers understand their role in educating lifelong learners Lifelong Learning context
Mobility is a central component of initial and continuing teacher education Mutual recognition of status and experience Mobility between levels Mobility outside the school Mobile Profession
With schools, industry and work-based training providers Evidence-based practice Schools as learning organisations collaborating with a range of community groups and stakeholders Partnerships
Recommendations to policy-makers Teachers should be graduates from higher education or equivalent Teacher education at all 3 levels of higher education Promote evidence-based practice and research
Recommendations to policy-makers Partnerships to promote high quality initial and continuing education of teachers Coherent and adequately resourced support of continuous professional development of teachers Interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to initial and continuing teacher education
Recommendations Mobility integral to initial and continuing teacher education Knowledge and experience of European cooperation in initial and continuing teacher education European languages throughout More trust and transparency in relation to qualifications to support recognition