Session 3: Achievement Data Steering Team / Community Council / Full Faculty / Student Body 2 Vision Data 1 VISION 6 Strategies Selection 7 STRATEGY PLANS Implementation Steps Professional Development Anti-Resistance Evaluation 3 Current Data 4 Data Target 8 ACTION 5. Areas of Concern Guidance TeachingEnvironment Expectations Curriculum Content School PolicyHigh Expectations Relationship InstructionBehavior Management Clear Definitions Assessment Student Assistance Communication Extra Help / TimeParent Involvement Community Involvement Resources Collegiality Professional Development
Why set data targets? To help us determine where to focus our time, energy, and resources.
TODAY’S TASKS Part 1:Analyze data Part 2:Understand data fields Part 3:Decide which data fields to target
Analysis Questions 1.How does our current data compare to our vision data? 2.What data fields please you? 3.What data fields disturb you? 4.What evidence (if any) do you find of achievement gaps? 5.How do teacher grades compare to achievement tests scores?
Population Freshmen Students Passing English 9 #% All Students Female Male Free/Reduced Lunch Paid Lunch Special Ed - IEP General Ed PRACTICE: Class of 2006 – English 9
Population Total Test Takers Passing ISTEP Language Arts #% All Students % Female % Male % Free/Reduced Lunch825061% Paid Lunch % Special Ed - IEP582034% General Ed % PRACTICE: Class of 2006 – 10th ISTEP Eng
Task 1: Current Data Analysis 1.Individual Place sticky-notes on the poster provided to reflect your response to these questions: a.How does our current data compare to our vision data? b.What data fields concern you? c.What data fields please you? d.What evidence (if any) do you see of achievement gaps? e.How do teacher grades compare to achievement test grades? 2. Group Discuss the sticky notes FINISH – 11:15 Break as Needed
Two parts: 1. STUDENT GROUP (Who will improve?) 2. BENCHMARK (Level of performance?) Format: The data field is always expressed as a % % of (student group) who (benchmark) Example: % of 8th graders who pass 2 sem of Algebra I % of Class of 2017 who master reading vocab on ISTEP % of 9th graders who pass 2 sem of Biology. What is a data field?
The student group will result in “Trend” or “Vertical” Data TREND: % of ____ graders who __________. VERTICAL: % of the class of ____ who _________.
Specific Data Fields The achievement areas that: 1.Help us determine the degree to which specific instructional practices or strategies are working 2.Help us make decisions regarding the future Specific Student Groups Low Income students Special education students Class of 2011 Specific Benchmarks Specific Indiana Academic Standard Specific courses Specific classroom assessment
Examples of Specific Data Fields STUDENTSBENCHMARK % of9th GraderswhoPass 2 sem of Alg I % of5th Graderswho Earn rubric score of 3 on in- class paragraph assignment % of 11th Grade Girls whoPass 2 sem of Chem I % of 3rd Grade F/R Students who Score an 80% on the 3rd grade vocab quiz % ofClass of 2018who Master Indiana Reading Comprehension Standard
Link to BROAD Data Fields STUDENTSBENCHMARKBROAD % of 9th Graders who Pass 2 sem of Alg I10th ISTEP Math % of 5th Graders who Earn 3 on in-class para. assignment NCA Goal: Writing Across Curriculum % of 11th Graders who Pass 2 sem of Chem ICore 40 % of 2nd Graders who Score an 80% on the 2nd grade vocab quiz 3rd ISTEP Eng % of Class of 2018 who Master Indiana Read Comp Standard ALL ISTEP Eng
If starting with the broad data field, work it backwards! STUDENTSBENCHMARKBROAD % ofwho 10th ISTEP Eng % ofwho Core 40 Diploma % ofwho Writing Across Curriculum % ofwho 3rd ISTEP Eng % ofwho ALL ISTEP Eng
Consider Accountability Data Fields NCLBDOE * % of students passing ISTEP Math % of students passing ISTEP Eng % graduating (HS only) % graduates scoring ___ on AP tests % graduates earning ___ on End-of-Course tests % graduates earning Core 40 diploma %graduates earning Academic Honors Diploma * For high school placement in top two DOE categories
Consider School’s AYP Report on DOE Website
Consider InSAI Data Field Requirements 1 % of all ISTEP tests across grade levels that area passing (BROAD) 2At least one SPECIFIC data target 3 At least one STUDENT GROUP showing an achievement gap
Consider NCA Goals 1 2 3
Data Fields for Improvement in our Current School Improvement Plan STUDENT GROUP BENCHMARK
CONSENSUS TOOL – INSTAGRAPH 1.STEP ONE: PREPARE THE INSTAGRAPH a. Write your current data targets on the X axis Note: Broad data fields must have specific data fields listed below them. b.Add other specific data fields you would like to consider with one or more broad data fields above each. FORMAT: % _________ who _________
CONSENSUS TOOL - INSTAGRAPH 2.STEP TWO: BUILD THE GRAPH a. Divide the number of possible specific data fields by three. b.Each group member places that number of sticky-dots above the specific data fields on the graph to indicate the data fields he or she would like to address c. As a group, identify the specific data field(s) you’d like to address
Next Steps Steering Team will... 1.Recommend data fields based on input from the faculty, community and students. 2.Recommend data fields and data targets 3.Ask you to review their recommendations