Karla Casteen K-3 Literacy March 28, 2014
Today Region 2 Data Walk Read to Achieve Updates Questions
MOY – mCLASS ® : DIBELS Next Comparison Grade Percent of students in each DIBELS instructional category (middle of year ) Students at benchmark level Students below benchmark level Students well below benchmark level Reg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’l Kinder- garten 68% 66%63% 18% 19%20% 14% 15%17% 1 st Grade 68% 69%65% 13% 12% 19% 23% 2 nd Grade 74% 76%71% 9% 8%9% 17% 16%20% 3 rd Grade 68% 64% 13% 19% 23%
DIBELS Next Effectiveness Comparison (i.e., movement in instructional support recommendations) for BOY - MOY
BOY-MOY mCLASS ® : DIBELS Next Effectiveness Comparison Percent of students in each DIBELS instructional category at middle of year who started the year performing at well-below benchmark levels Grade Students at benchmark level Students below benchmark level Students well-below benchmark level Reg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’l Kinder- garten 32% 30%28% 29%27% 40% 41%45% 1 st Grade28% 32%27% 19% 18%16% 53% 50%57% 2 nd Grade8% 10%8% 13% 14%13% 79% 77%79% 3 rd Grade8% 9% 15% 17%16% 76% 74%75% Purpose: Illustrate how customer compares to national average and North Carolina in terms of moving students across Instructional Support Recommendations (ISR) from BOY to MOY
BOY-MOY mCLASS ® : DIBELS Next Effectiveness Comparison Percent of students in each DIBELS instructional category at middle of year who started the year performing at below benchmark levels Grade Students at benchmark level Students below benchmark level Students well-below benchmark level Reg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’l Kinder- garten 61% 58%53% 26% 29%30% 13% 17% 1 st Grade61% 65%59% 20% 18%19% 18%22% 2 nd Grade47% 50%46% 29% 30% 24% 21%24% 3 rd Grade36% 39%43% 39% 37%36% 25% 24%21% Purpose: Illustrate how customer compares to national average and North Carolina in terms of moving students across Instructional Support Recommendations (ISR) from BOY to MOY
BOY-MOY mCLASS ® : DIBELS Next Effectiveness Comparison Percent of students in each DIBELS instructional category at middle of year who started the year performing at benchmark levels Grade Students at benchmark level Students below benchmark level Students well-below benchmark level Reg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’l Kinder- garten 88% 87%84% 10% 11%13% 2% 3% 1 st Grade88% 90%87% 6% 8% 4% 5% 2 nd Grade94% 95%94% 4% 5% 2% 1%2% 3 rd Grade89% 90%89% 9% 6%9% 2% 4%2% Purpose: Illustrate how customer compares to national average and North Carolina in terms of moving students across Instructional Support Recommendations (ISR) from BOY to MOY
TRC Performance by Time of Year
MOY – mCLASS ® : TRC Comparison Grade Percent of students in each TRC instructional category (middle of year ) Students Above Proficient Level Students at Proficient Level Students Below Proficient level Students Far Below Proficient Level Reg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’l Kinder -garten 22%23%22%18% 16% 52% 53%54% 8% 1 st Grade 26% 33% 31% 11% 10% 30% 32%33% 2 nd Grade 34% 18% 17% 20% 28% 29% 3 rd Grade 41%38% 11% 21% 27% 30%
TRC Effectiveness Comparison (i.e., movement in instructional support recommendations) for BOY - MOY
BOY-MOY mCLASS®: Reading 3D Effectiveness Comparison Percent of students in each TRC instructional category at middle of year who started the year performing at Far Below Proficient levels Grade Students Above Proficient Level Students At Proficient Level Students Below Proficient level Students Far Below Proficient Level Reg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’l Kinder- garten 8% 13% 11% 64% 66% 14% 15% 1 st Grade 1% 9% 11% 9% 80% 81% 2 nd Grade 3%2% 7% 5% 15% 16% 76% 77% 3 rd Grade 4% 3% 4% 19% 18% 74% 73%74% Purpose: Illustrate how customer compares to national average and North Carolina in terms of moving students across Instructional Support Recommendations (ISR) from BOY to MOY
BOY-MOY mCLASS®: Reading 3D Effectiveness Comparison Percent of students in each TRC instructional category at middle of year who started the year performing at Below Proficient levels Grade Students Above Proficient Level Students At Proficient Level Students Below Proficient level Students Far Below Proficient Level Reg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’l Kinder- garten 20%21%20%26 22% 53% 56%57% 1% 1 st Grade 5% 22 33% 36% 20% 38% 42% 2 nd Grade 14% 22 23% 42% 22% 21% 3 rd Grade 15%17% 16 15% 47% 46% 23% 22% Purpose: Illustrate how customer compares to national average and North Carolina in terms of moving students across Instructional Support Recommendations (ISR) from BOY to MOY
BOY-MOY mCLASS®: Reading 3D Effectiveness Comparison Percent of students in each TRC instructional category at middle of year who started the year performing At Proficient levels Grade Students Above Proficient Level Students At Proficient Level Students Below Proficient level Students Far Below Proficient Level Reg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’lReg. 2 NCNat’l Kinder- garten 40%39%33%21% 20%21% 38% 41%45% 0% 1% 1 st Grade 41%42%11%42% 40%50% 6% 9%17% 9% 22% 2 nd Grade 63% 38%22% 21%35% 13% 14%23% 3% 2%4% 3 rd Grade 67% 39%14% 25% 16% 30% 3% 6% Purpose: Illustrate how customer compares to national average and North Carolina in terms of moving students across Instructional Support Recommendations (ISR) from BOY to MOY