Leaving Certificate Biology Endocrine System 3 EQ iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
Hormones are transported in … SalivaUrine LymphBlood
Name the gland that secretes Luteinizing Hormone. PituitaryUterus OvaryTestis
The function of Parathormone is to control the … Rate of metabolism Calcium levels in the blood Water level in the blood Breathing rate
What hormone is produced in the thyroid gland? InsulinThyroxine AdrenalineTestosterone
What does the hormone ADH stand for? Anti-Digestive Hormone Anti-Dote Hormone Anti-Dilatory Hormone Anti-Diuretic hormone
Which of the following is not an endocrine gland? Thymus glandThyroid gland Tear glandAdrenal gland
Over production of thyroxine in the body is known as … MegathyroidismHyperthyroidism HypothyroidismMajor Thyroidism
Diabetes is due to lack of what hormone? InsulinGlucagon FSHLH
Name the gland located on top of the kidneys. ThyroidAdrenals PituitaryThymus
Which of the following glands can act as both an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland? PituitaryTestes PancreasOvary
Which hormone increases sugar levels in the blood? GlycogenThyroxine InsulinGlucagon
Which of the following does not happen when adrenalin is released in the body? Heartbeat increases Breathing rate increases Heartbeat decreases Face goes pale
Which of the following hormones are involved in the birthing process? ProlactinOxytocin TestosteroneADH
Corticosteroids are produced in the … PancreasAdrenals PituitaryThymus
The Islets of Langerhans are located in which gland? PituitaryTestes AdrenalsPancreas
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