BETTER BUSINESS WITH BRITAIN by Tony Burrows, EBS Unlocking Business Potential in the UK Market
> Founded in 1991 > Over 250 Nordic companies helped > - mostly SMEs > - some subsidiaries of public companies > - typical client between 20 and 150 employed > Want control of own operation in UK > Founded UK Business Club EBS – the company
United Kingdom – economic facts The world’s 4th largest economy 59.6 million population 30 million people live within 2 hours by car from most major cities UK has over 40% of all inward investment into EU UK receives 8% of all worldwide Foreign Direct Investment. Only USA receives more
Scotland 5.1 North East 2.5 Yorkshire & Humberside 5.0 The East 5.5 South East 15.5 East Midlands 4.2 South West 5.0 Wales 3.0 Republic of Ireland 3.6 Northern Ireland 1.7 North West 6.8 West Midlands 5.3 Population in Millions UK : 59.6 UK & Republic : 63.2
Households > There is a growing number of households in the UK Number of households (millions)
High Employment The UK has a rising number of people in work, earning money, and buying products Millions
Disposable Income > Free income after tax and housing costs GBP
Factors for Success > Large market – treat it seriously > Identify benefits of your product in target markets > London v regions > Reseller v own operation > Do not assume > Think local > Keep control
The Brits and doing efficient business with them > Dress > People > Politics > Payments – cheque v bank giro > Decision making process > Negotiation skills > Language > Travel and time
In Summary > The UK:- > Large market > Traditionally friendly to Scandinavian region > Strong and stable economy > And, through EBS and our UK Business Club colleagues, accessible at low risk