Santos Muñoz
A little about the Company: an online platform for development The code is open-sourced on GitHub, free to adapt and use for everyone, anywhere, anytime. We ’ ve worked hard to ensure that our online development environment is easy, powerful, and a thrill to on GitHub Their team includes some of the best developers, designers, and testers that Europe and the U.S. Main office is located in San Francisco, where they serve and work with local Silicon Valley enterprises.
The IDE Cloud9 IDE was designed to run and debug Node.js and JavaScript code. The IDE also supports running Python, Ruby, and Apache+PHP applications. Our editor supports syntax highlighting for over 30 languages. We bring all the great features from other existing IDEs, like multiple cursors, auto completion, themes, search in files, and keyboard shortcuts, plus many more of our many more of our own Cloud9 provides several unique features such as the ability to collaborate in real-time with multiple people, and the ability to run the IDE on your own hosted server and development environment. We also offer a local client that can automatically synch with your online workspaces. Need to host your finished project somewhere? Not a problem. Cloud9 supports instantaneous deployment to cloud platforms such as Heroku, Windows Azure, and Cloud Foundry. In the meantime, you can run your code live within the IDE, as though it were a production server. With support for git and mercurial, your code will always be kept safe and in your control.
Key Features: Collaboration C9 Cloud: Your workspace on the cloud, with SSH & FTP Powered by: Cloud9 IDE Code Completion: So you can focus of the big picture. App Deploy, to give your app an audience. Adaptive themes to personalize your console. Drag & Drop option
Difference from FREE & PREMIUM: FREE: –1 private workspace –Unlimited Public Workspaces –Full shell access & terminal –1 FTP workspace –Collaboration PREMIUM: $19 /MO –6 private workspaces –Full Shell Access & Terminal –Connect to you own VM –Unlimited FTP & public workspaces –Unlimited Collaborators
Created an account It was easy & fast No hassles
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Welcome Screen
Working on files I uploaded to test it out
How to create a Workspace: Click on the Create New Workspace button under the You account button. –Name your file –Select work space setting either private or open –Choose hosting from the following –Or simply go with custom to load files from local –And hit create
Simply drag and drop to add more files to your project.
Support: Documentation Getting support Reporting bugs From other users Community: Blog Twitter, Facebook, RSS
Sources: tQTQ9mJM%3A& %2FCloud9_IDE&docid=MnAHi06ovmDEMM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2 ud9IDE.png&w=437&h=350&ei=7b8cU8u_IsXPkQfs4YBw&zoom=1&ve d=0CGAQhBwwBA&iact=rc&dur=857&page=1&start=0&ndsp=27&biw= 1787&bih=874
Questions: 1.How do you create a workspace? a.Name the file b.Select work space setting either private or open c.Choose hosting from the following d.Simply go with custom to load files from local e.All of the above 2.What is Cloud9 IDE about? online platform for development b.a platform to upload your files to c.A forum for developers d.None of the above 3.Who is Cloud9 Powered by? a.Google b.Microsoft c.Cloud9 IDE d.Adobe 4.True or False Does Cloud9 IDE have add on services to Github and Bitbucket?
1.How do you create a workspace? a.Name the file b.Select work space setting either private or open c.Choose hosting from the following d.Simply go with custom to load files from local e.All of the above 2.What is Cloud9 IDE about? online platform for development b.a platform to upload your files to c.A forum for developers d.None of the above 3.Who is Cloud9 Powered by? a.Google b.Microsoft c.Cloud9 IDE d.Adobe 4. True or False Does Cloud9 IDE have add on services to Github and Bitbucket? Questions: