My Future At University By Michael Dodsworth
Choosing My University!! I wanted the opportunity to become independent, indulge in the music scene, and stay staying close to home at the same time. Glasgow University seemed the perfect choice, and thankfully, I would get the unconditional offer!!!!!!!
There it is
A bit about the place Glasgow University was founded in 1451, making it the 4th oldest University in the English-speaking World. Pope Nicholas V was responsible for its founding. Situated very near the city centre, the Main Building used to be a cathedral. There is an estimated 23, 590 students at the University, a mighty number if you ask me!
Course Selection!?!?!?! After originally receiving an offer to study biomedical sciences, I was over the moon! However, when the course was pulled due to a lack of demand, I was given the opportunity to pick another life science. Molecular and Cellular Biology it was
The ‘hunch’ I may be eligible to take a one-year work placement as an integral part of this degree programme, registering for an MSci degree in Molecular & Cellular Biology. The placement year is normally spent doing research in industry or some other organisation in the UK or abroad. The Erasmus programmed offers opportunities to study in more than 250 different universities in 31 different countries all across Europe. Exchanges can last from 3 to 10 months.
Possible Destinations Away From Europe There are numerous opportunities to study in Universities all over the World as well, including China, Japan, USA,, Singapore, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Many of these countries offer the chance to become fluent in another language, something that could no doubt be very useful in finding a job in the current economic climate. Blogs kept by students studying in these places reflect great satisfaction.
University of Miami At the moment, the University of Miami is my hopeful destination if I get the chance to study abroad. I have always loved my trips to the USA, and the University in Miami offers great sporting opportunities, as well as practical experience. It is also home to my favourite basketball team, The Miami Heat
A taste of life abroad! Roger, a business and economics graduate studying in the Czech Republic. ‘I still live in the same flat, it is warm and cheap and hell, I hate packing too much to move anywhere! I have been doing little trips to the outskirts of Prague but am planning to go a few other cities in the Czech Republic. A lot of sights and castles worth visiting are closed during winter months (March included) or have shortened opening hours. I have planned some stuff for April/may to enjoy more sunlight as well. I have still been enjoying everything that Prague has to offer, 6 months in and I still haven't seen all the sights and done all the fun activities (absinthe museum-you will be conquered this week!). Tip: all museums are free on the first Thursday of each month.’
Notable Mentions ‘In terms of workload it does seem a lot more than Glasgow HOWEVER I must stress that as a life sciences student, I am straight out of first year which obviously is nowhere near as intense compared to subsequent years. Also, another thing I have noted is that after speaking to fellow students from back in Glasgow the workload does seem to be similar so I can’t really say for definite whether it does differ too much from Glasgow’s.’ This is something that I had not thought of, but would obviously have to take into account if I did go abroad for a year.
Thank You for listening to my presentation! Does anyone have any questions?