The Mysteries of Apostrophes – Revealed! Possessives –Singular nouns: add ‘s Ross’s book, the witch’s malice –But NOT possessive pronouns: hers, its, ours, yours, theirs It’s a wise dog that scratches its own fleas. Contractions –Do + not = don’t –Does + not = doesn’t
Strunk & White Rules of Usage Rule #1: Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding ‘s Charles’s friend Burns’s poem The witch’s malice No apostrophe in hers, its, theirs, yours, ours It’s is a contraction for it is
Never, Ever… Never in plurals: –Six apples – not six apple’s –Several things – not several thing’s Never in verbs that are not contractions –She walks – not she walk’s –He says – not he say’s One point will be deducted from an essay grade for every misuse of an apostrophe
To Review How to UseHow to Use Apostrophes Greengrocer'sGreengrocer's Apostrophe DVDs, CDsDVDs, CDs and the 1990s The ApostropheThe Apostrophe Song The Apostrophe ProtectionThe Apostrophe Protection web site