Lesson 12-1: Comparing and Ordering by Length How can you compare and then order objects according to length? I can order compare objects by ordering them from smallest to largest or by largest to smallest.
Lesson 12-2: Indirect Measurement How can you compare the length of two objects when they are in different places? I can order compare objects by using ...
Lesson 12-3: Using Units to Estimate and Measure Length How can you estimate and measure the lengths of classroom objects? First, I will estimate the length of the object. Then, I will measure the object. Last, I will use that information to help me make my next estimate.
Lesson 12-4: More Measuring Length How can you use a nonstandard unit to measure objects? First I used ___ to measure ___. Then I …
Lesson 12-6: Measuring Using Different Units How can you measure length using cubes and straws? I can use cubes to measure shorter objects such as _______. I can use straws to measure longer objects such as ___________.