CSA Discovery Services!! Community of Scholars PapersInvited COS Funding Opportunities
Community of Scholars! Searchable database of active international Academic Faculty and Researchers 1,000,000+ unique Scholar and organization profiles Linked to relevant document collections Across all academic subject areas
Why Community of Scholars? Access the Community behind the content -- people, not just documents, are relevant sources of information: As collaborators As pathways to high quality content Broadens research perspective across discipline, geography Who’s doing what where?
Community of Scholars Updating Monthly New documents integrated and URL validation Scholar Feedback submissions included Semi-Annually Name reviewed Affiliation reviewed Interests reviewed Title reviewed
What is PapersInvited? An alerting service for upcoming conferences and special issues For researchers/scholars: graduates and faculty in academia researchers in corporations and government departments undergraduates
What does it do? Provides an easy way for researchers to discover: Upcoming conferences, worldwide, in their own or other fields, thereby Providing opportunity to submit their own research papers for presentation and ultimate publication, and/or Register and attend a particular conference
PapersInvited = Calls for Papers Conferences 8,000-12,000 per year Updated 3 times/month, with minimum of 200 conferences each update Special Issues of Journals 1,500-2,000 per year
Multidisciplinary Coverage Library Science & Journalism Psychology Literature & Languages Management Biotechnology Math & Astronomy Engineering & Technology Philosophy, Religion & Mythology Arts, Architecture, Music & Sports Geography & History Social Sciences Natural Sciences Biomedical Sciences Computers & Info Technology
PapersInvited Subject Coverage
Benefits to Researchers Publishing opportunities Promote awareness within & across disciplines Personalization features assist planning & scheduling
Strengths Multidisciplinary Large Includes special issues as well as conferences – unique combo Timely; updated frequently Easy-to-search database
Strengths (contd.) Lots of details (incl. session tracks, poster sessions) Links to organizer and / or publisher web site address Lots of personalization My Calendar, Favorites, Planner Test drive via Demo Search or Free Trial
Strengths (contd.) Designed by graduate students Refined by users since 2001 Relationships established with organizers & publishers Company stability Soon – dovetailing with other data resources needed by researchers: literature searching (CSA Illumina, Ulrich’s) people searching (Scholars) funding opportunities searching
COS Funding Opportunities Data on research grants, fellowships, prizes, travel awards All disciplines Global Sponsors: Public: local, state, national Private Foundations & societies > 400 K opportunities
COS Funding Opportunities Updated daily New records Updated info Expired records purged Indexed: controlled vocabulary for over 3,000 subject categories Researched, verified, edited, indexed & compiled by COS
Thank you!! For trials and more information, please contact: Laura Karves