Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night! There will be an informational video that will begin at 6:00. While we wait for it to begin, please check your calendar to see if you can sign up to join us on a Friday afternoon as a Mystery Reader, or to lead us in a craft or game! Please also consider donating to our classroom by selecting a leaf from our “giving tree.” Both the sign-up sheet and leaves are outside the classroom door. Thank you!
A little about me (academically)… BS Elementary Education from Kutztown University MS Instructional Technology from Wilkes University Taught 1 st grade 6 years Taught 3 rd grade 4 years
A little about me (personally)… My greatest accomplishments… Hobbies
Daily Schedule 8:55-9:15 Morning Exercises (Helper of Day) 9:15-10:30 Language Arts 10:30-11:15 WIN 11:15-12:00 Lunch/Recess 12:00-12:10 Read Aloud 12:10-1:00 Language Arts 1:00-1:40 Math 1:45-2:25 Specials 2:30-3:00 Language Arts Science/S.S on Tues/Thurs
Language Arts Harcourt “StoryTown”StoryTown Read online at home! All resources available on my website High Frequency Words/Robust Vocab/Spelling Mondays: Watch for home letter, homework, and study guide Homework – space out throughout week Study guide to help with weekly test Fridays: Weekly (skills) and spelling tests WIN classes
Math Switch classes to meet learning needs of individuals. Based on pretest given before each unit Grouping is flexible Homework will be assigned by students’ math teachers.
Science/Social Studies Tuesday and Thursday afternoons Science will be taught by me Social Studies will be taught by Mr. Meyers
Classroom Management GO FOR GREEN! Positive reinforcement Tickets/Drawing on Fridays 3 strike system Color-coded stars Consequences Loss of /privilege Please follow through at home!
Dismissal Change of normal routine- note must be sent in for a change to occur! Please do not day of…call office if an emergency Birthdays Allergies…food free in all 2 nd grade classrooms Parent-Teacher Communication Newsletters, notes, , websitewebsite May substitute home folder Please write notes on separate paper, not in student planner Lightning flash Classroom captain, Mrs. Solari Misc No Snack Volunteer sign-ups Miscellaneous
Info Please… Index Card –Please write your name and student’s name – –Best contact phone no. during the day –Individual Questions/Concerns