Bacteria 1.Structure: all microscopic, unicellular or colonial Prokaryotic (lack true nucleus)
Bacteria 1.Structure: all microscopic, unicellular or colonial Prokaryotic (lack true nucleus) Bacillus (rods) Coccus (spherical) Spirilla (spiral) Most immobile, few with flagella Bacteria
Rod-Shaped Bacteria On the head of a pin! Magnified 25,000 times!
Bacteria 2.Reproduction asexual by fission (simple cell division, divide into two equal sizes (every 20 min.) Sexual by conjugation 3.Physiology Autotrophic, parasitic, saprophytic (live on dead organisms) Aerobic (use oxygen) and anaerobic (don’t use oxygen 4.Where do they live? EVERYWHERE
Bacteria are found in Geyser Hot Springs Black Rock Desert, Nevada. Temperatures just below boiling - colors are the result of various bacterial colonies.
Bacteria 5.Diseases (more examples to follow) Tetanus, TB, cholera, bubonic plague, syphilis, typhoid, anthrax, pneumonia, diptheria, strep throat, salmonella, botulism, 6.Benefits Organic decay, antibiotics, yogurt, cheese, support life in hydrothermal vents.
Leprosy: caused by a bacterial infection Normal tissue in the center Infected tissue on the left
Leprosy Affected hands shown here.
Leprosy Again.
Impetigo Highly contagious childhood disease Bacterial infection that leaves scabs and pigment loss
Gonococcal Bacterial Infection of the Eye Most common in newborns who are infected as they pass through the birth canal Adults can transfer the bacteria to the eye from the genitals
Gangrene Caused by anaerobic bacteria whose toxins kill tissue Amputations are common Can be lethal if not treated
Strep Throat Bacterial infection most common in 5-15 year olds Tonsils swell with pus-filled lesions
Strep Throat Again Pus-filled lesions on the tonsils
Diptheria (bacterial infection) Less than 10 cases per year in the USA Bacteria form a membrane that causes bleeding and blocks the airway
Infected Lung Cell Infected (via adhesion)by numerous mycoplasma bacterium This is the bacteria that causes pneumonia
Advanced Periodontal Disease Severe gum inflammation Caused by a bacterial infection
Salmonella typhic (bacterium) Causative agent of typhoid (rare in USA) Bacteria invade upper intestine causing nausea and headaches - lasting 4-5 weeks
Anthrax Lesion (Bacterial Infection) Sheep wool is often the carrier
Warning: Next Slide fairly graphic
Necrotizing Subcutaneous Infection ( Necrotizing Fasciitis NF ) Caused by a bacterial infection - commonly referred to as “Flesh Eating Bacteria” Bacteria release toxins that directly kill tissue
NF Again Although rare, the bacteria can be found almost everywhere - once infected tissue loss is rapid Shock and death are possible
NF Again Requires large-scale tissue removal and heavy doses of antibiotics
The End Remember bacteria are everywhere! Wash your hands often!