Get Me Some of That! (aka Social Media Analysis and Emerging Trends) Gregg Your, YA-02 Command Information Officer USJFCOM PAO
What we’re discussing How Did We Not See This Coming? What We’re Doing –Blog Engagement –News Service, RSS and Twitter –USJFCOMLive Where This Is Going*
Social Media/New Media (as defined by those who tell us we need it) “I don’t know what it is, but get me some of it” “My kid does this Facebook stuff…” “I read an article in …” “ is doing it”
The culture There is an inverse relationship between control and trust —David Weinberger
Web By The Numbers Web 1.0 = Broadcast Web 2.0 = Discussion (“We get social”) Web 3.0 = Don’t go there just yet… we’ll get there
In the beginning… USENet (1979) THE WELL (1985) World Wide Web (1989) AOL – Unlimited (1996) Cluetrain Manifesto (1999)
Cluetraining “A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter—and getting smarter faster than most companies.” "...companies so lobotomized that they can't speak in a recognizably human voice build sites that smell like death."
What USJFCOM Does Web 1.0 –Web Site (1995/2001) –News Service (2002) –Liveblogging (2003/04) –RSS feeds (2005) –Podcasting (2006)
What USJFCOM Does Web 2.0 –Feedback channel (2001) –Blog Engagement (2005/2006) –Social Bookmarking (2007) –Twitter (2008) Hash tags –USJFCOMLive (2009)
Questions Is it cheap? Is it viable in the long term? –Is it in the skill set? –Flash or Foundation? Does it fit in our current model? Is it “right”?
Suggestions Stay focused on goals and users -- the public Work together (content, tech, legal) towards goal Keep projects simple. Experiment. Iterate It's OK to not have all the answers Share knowledge, experience, leverage Templatize process and tools Bring in outside innovation where needed Trust and leverage the community – the public Measure success (and failure)
What’s Next* Want info on their terms Our place or theirs? Plug and play Assessment Taste of the future
This is where it’s going? Maybe? Google Wave is a real-time communication platform combining – , –instant messaging, –wikis, –web chat, –social networking, and –project management If we’re not working towards this playing in this zone, we will be playing catchup
Assessment Blog watching –Google BlogSearch –Technorati Metrics Twitter Search/Twitterfall