Service Delivery Core Brief May 2011
Operate Performance 2010/11 Slide 3 Service Delivery performanceSlide 4-6 Questions & issues Slide 6 Field teams only Unit sectionSlide 9-11 Performance Hot topic Recognition Agenda
Operate scorecard – how we did last year Operate Scorecard 10/11 RFT L2C Reliability Costs CAPEX RFT T2R People RFT C2M THTS Reliability outturn for Q4 was good at +28.2% RFT Q4 at 86.1% (below Q4 threshold) and made significant improvements in Q4 Top performers: BTW Harmonised Ethernet and T2R private circuits CARE slight improvement in employee engagement scores Looking ahead: Clearer understanding of people’s contribution to key product journeys
Service Delivery – our performance
Service Delivery – how are we doing? Service Delivery Scorecard 11/12 – P1 RFT L2C On time repair Cost Energy reduction On time delivery People THTS RFT T2R RFT L2C – 8 /13 measures at or above target. More to do on the other 5 particularly BTOR EBD; GS Featurenet and GS International MPLS RFT T2R – 11 /13 measures at or above target with just 2 to improve on for GS Customer Switch and BTR Vision On time L2C – 10 /13 measures below target in the L2C flow units so plenty to do to close up the gaps. 3 /5 Field measure at or better than target with 2 to improve on for GS Customer Switch and BTR PSTN On time T2R – 9 /13 measures at or above target with 4 to improve on for BTW Private Circuits, BTR Vision, GS Featurenet and BTR PSTN Cost - despite a good P1 performance, we have a lot to do to meet Q1 numbers.
BT Operate people priorities We will create the culture of BT Operate to be customer-centric and globally focussed to ensure we become no. 1 for service Customer centric culture Right size organisation We will ensure we have people with the right skills doing the right things to achieve excellent results We will develop the capabilities of our people and use these skills in the most suitable roles Effective organisation design We will create a sustainable operating model that builds clear accountability We will design our business with the best structure and governance to achieve effective business results We will harmonise our policies so we do things the BT Operate way High performing teams We will support the BT Operate costs challenges by delivering an optimum resource plan We will ensure we have enough of the right skills to meet our customers now and in the future Excellent skills We will raise the capability of the organisation by creating high performing teams We will differentiate between good performance and unacceptable performance We will be robust and objective in our individual assessments We will celebrate and reward success
Questions....and issues Got a question about any of the information in core brief ? the SD MailboxSD Mailbox... How can we improve this core brief pack for you? Let us knowLet us know. You said...Our engineers told us that the Invalid ISDX product code A13333 was still appearing in the drop down menu on Taskforce as an option and was being transferred across onto NJR. This meant you had to correct it, which was wasting your time. So...we’ve now corrected this and the right code is now available. You said...when a job is furthered into Work Manager and a new job is allocated the travel time is incorrect – the system appears to assume travel from furthered job location rather than actual location. So...we’ve included a fix in the recent release.
Insert Unit Name
Our performance Insert your units performance for the month.
Hot topic Insert a hot topic for this month, if you have one in your unit.
Stars of the month Recognise people who have achieved great things this month in your unit