1 Causes of World War I M : Militarism A : Assassination I : Imperialism/Industrialization N : Nationalism
2 Causes of WWII… VLAD!! V- VERSAILLES : The German government and people were DISSATISFIED with the resolution of WWI and the economic DEPRESSION that followed—they wanted DESPERATELY wanted their honor, respect and welfare back… L-LAND : Germany and Japan both follow policies of “uniting” large areas of German and Asian peoples for nationalism and resources (Czechoslovakia and Austria [then Poland] in Europe and the “Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere in Asia) A-APPEASEMENT : Allies initially allow Germany and Japan to take land in the hope they will be satisfied and cease their expansion and aggression D-D³=FT!! Fascist, Militaristic and Totalitarian leaders took over governments in Italy, Germany and Japan (What kind of gov’t took over in Russia?)
3 WHO: Axis: (BULLIES) Germany Japan Italy Allies: (WIMPS) Great Britain (England) Russia France China (Loner) USA
4 WHERE: Practically Everywhere: Europe, Pacific, South-East Asia, China, Middle East, Mediterranean and Africa EuropePacificSouth-East AsiaChinaMiddle EastMediterraneanAfrica
5 WHEN: Five Stages: —Japanese Aggression: Invasion of Manchuria and Southeast Asia Initital German Push: Poland, Battle of Britain—“Official” Start —Axis Grind to a Halt: German Invasion of Russia, Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor Direction of War Changes (Allied Counterattack): Battles of Midway, Stalingrad, D- Day (June 6, 1944) Finally, Russians take Berlin, U.S. conducts nuclear attack on Japan. War ends.
6 Japan’s War in China Conquest of Chinese Manchuria Full-scale invasion of Northern China in 1937 The Rape of Nanjing Arial bombing of urban center 400,000 Chinese used for bayonet practice, massacred 7,000 women raped 1/3 of all homes destroyed
7 Nanjing Massacre
9 Italian Aggression and Empire Benito Mussolini invades Ethiopia with overpowering force 2,000 Italian troops killed, 275,000 Ethiopians killed Remaining anger from failed invasion during Imperial Era… Also takes Libya, Albania
10 Germany Adolf Hitler ( ) 1933, takes power in Germany—withdraws from League of Nations Remilitarizes Germany Anschluss (“Union”) with Austria, 1938 Pressure on Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) Where else was there are large population of ethnic Germans?
11 Munich Conference (1938) Italy, France, Great Britain, Germany meet Allies follow policy of appeasement Hitler promises to halt expansion British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain ( ) promises “peace for our time” Hitler signs secret Russian- German Treaty of Non- Aggression (August 1939)
12 Invasion of Poland and France September 1, 1939 Blitzkrieg: “lightning war” strategy Air forces soften up target, armored divisions rush in German U-boats (submarines) patrol Atlantic, threaten British shipping (just like during…?)
13 The Fall of France 1940: Germany occupies Denmark, Norway, Belgium, France Hitler forces French to sign armistice agreement in same railroad car used for the armistice imposed on Germany in 1918 Once again-- dissatisfaction with Treaty of Versailles and need for revenge.