Future for (Stopped) RISING.....the road to DESPEC.
D. Rudolph et al., RISING, Feb/Mar'06
Stopped Rising GSI: 15 x 7 element CLUSTERs Photopeak efficiency ~11% at 1.3 MeV....best array in the world for such studies....bar none.
γγ Coincidence Spectra D. Rudolph
Decay Scheme of 54 Ni D. Rudolph
Fission and fragmentation studies in A=130 region 130 Cd Many new isomers New systematics Isomeric ratios from two reaction mechanism 131 In
100 Sn vs 132 Sn H. Grawe: N=50 TBME scaled by (88/132) 1/3 to N=82 SPE from 99In and 131In, respectively
S. Pietri et al., RISING data 107 Ag beam 86 Tc 88 Zr Cd Ga
Possible Physics to be addressed by Next (Isomer) Campaign? 238 U beam.... – 128 Pd 82 ( 96 Pd 50 mirror.... holes in N=82) – 202 Os (holes in N=126) –Neutron-rich ~Pb ( Pb).... – 190 W- 170 Dy (K-isomerism as a probe of def.) –Highest spins in fragmentation (> 144 Tb) Pb at high spins? I ~ 30 hbar? –Fission fragment studies, shape evolution (N~ Gary Simpson....) Other beams.. –Isospin Sym. T z =-2, 52 Ni 24 : 52 Cr (Dirk Rudolph...) –N=Z ~ 100 Sn (Bob Wadsworth, Magda Gorska...)
March 2006: 148 Tb I=27 ћ 147 Gd I=49/2 ћ Highest angular momentum states observed in fragmentation I nucleus published year and first author: 19/2 43Sc 1994 W-D Schmidt-Ott et al Fe 1995 R. Grzywacz et al. 25/2 205Tl, 205Pb 1998 M. Pfutzner et al. 35/2 175Hf, 179W, 181Re 2002 M. Pfutzner et al. 43/2 215Ra 2006 Zs. Podolyák et al Tb 2007(?) E. Werner-Malento, Zs. Podolyák et al. Angular momentum year of publication 148 Tb
Future: European Radioactive Ion Beam (fragmentation) facility: FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) (Darmstadt, Germany) low-energy cave MeV/u fragmentation/fission ~1GeV/u fragment separator 350m ring branch
Open questions in nuclear physics limit of existence, neutron skins, change in the shell structure, weak binding effects, nucleosynthesis …
Far future: FAIR yields
Future β decay: RISING active stopper (2007) (J.Benlliure, P. Regan et al.) isomeric decay: CERN-ISOLDE
Advanced GAmma Tracking Array High photo-peak efficiency Good angular resolution <1degree FWHM=10 keV at β=50% = 5 keV at β=20% Ideal for high velocity beams
HISPEC/DESPEC detectors Beam detectors (Z, E, pos.) Gamma-ray detectors AGATA (demonstrator to GSI in 2010) Charged particle detectors dE-E for MeV/u 4 PI dE-E for Coulomb barrier Plungers Tracking of outgoing particles, (spectrometer, dE/E, TOF) Implantation and decay detector DSSD DESPEC Ge array Fast timing BaF 2, LaBr 3 :Ce, other? Neutron detectors Total absorption spectrometer NaI:Tl, BaF 2, LaCl 3 :Ce Electro magnetic moments
Grant success: Advanced Implantation Detector Array (AIDA) Part of UK contribution to FAIR EPSRC grant to: Universities of Edinburgh and Liverpool Daresbury and Rutherford Grant award £2.25M 4 year grant DESPEC ‘Active Stopper’ (AIDA) funded in the UK AIDA Si strip detectorsASIC readout Microelectronics Electronics and DAQ
Stopped Rising GSI: 15 x 7 element CLUSTERs Photopeak efficiency ~11% at 1.3 MeV...next array must be even better (....for Stopped Beams.)
1) Daresbury LaboratoryUK 2) University of LiverpoolUK 3) University of SurreyUK 4) UAM MadridSpain 5) Universidad de SalamancaSpain 6) IFIC ValenciaSpain 7) GSI DarmstadtGermany 8) Universit ät zu KölnGermany 9) IFIN-HH BucharestRomania 10) University of CamerinoItaly 11) University of JyvaskylaFinland 12) University of SofiaBulgaria 13) Royal Inst. of Tech., StockholmSweden 14) IReS StrasbourgFrance Members of the DESPEC Ge array working group 11 February, 2005 GSI, Germany 7 April, 2005 Surrey, UK 4 November, 2005 Madrid, Spain 22 February, 2006 GSI, Germany Meetings DESPEC ‘active stopper’ funded in last round (Liv. + Edin. + DL. + RAL)
Alternative: array of 6/8 Clover detectors DESPEC gamma-ray array major UK Grant to be: Surrey, Liverpool, CLRC, Daresbury, York, Brighton, Manchester, Paisley….
Array of stacks of seg- mented planar Ge detectors Array of CLOVER detectors ? prototype simulations THE question......
DESPEC (DEcay SPECtrocsopy) γ-ray tracking cluster Stanislav Tashenov GSI, Darmstadt