Cultures around the World: what makes us different. Partners and Individuals Communities and Neighbors Countries and States
With this information: The children will create a chart about the country that they have chosen and tell the class about what they have learned. The children will be working in pairs to complete the assignment. At the end of the class, the partners will give a presentation on what they have learned. BUT IT MUST BE VISIBLE FOR THE WHOLE CLASS!!!! The children will also have vocabulary words for their country and anything they don’t understand The children must have a creative idea, it must be neat, and understandable.
Information Continued: The children will be using power point or the overhead. They will have help from the teacher to prepare this project. They will also be working on this project in the computer lab so the computer teacher will be able to help with the children.
Find something Interesting about one of these Countries: Germany France Mexico Russia China United States Iran Chad Portugal The Netherlands Sweden India Korea Australia Find something about: The culture The people The food The Government The jobs and businesses. Religion Capital and largest city Education Geography Climate
Scoring: Neatness Creativity Understanding Visibility Working together Working on the computer for research Length of time on presentation Communication
Example: Spain CANNOT USE: The people: Approximately: 135 million people. Great Regional diversity Most Populous Areas: Madrid: Capital and largest city in Spain Barcelona Valencia Sevilla Malage Bilbao There are 50 provinces (states) Official Language: Spanish
Spain: Education The children have similar education to that of the United States. With Pre- school through High school. Ages 3-16 Education is also free for those students. The next step is getting a scholarship, called Secondary Education Certificate. The they attend Bachillerato then go to University if so desired. Hours: 9:00-12:30 and then 3:30-5:00 June and September have longer morning hours and no afternoon hours. Shorter Christmas and Easter breaks but longer summer vacation. Religion is taught in the schools.
Spain: Religion Roman Catholics: biggest religion base in Spain Mormons Evangelism Gypsies Jehovah’s Witnesses Muslims Judaism Religion is also taught in the schools.
Spain: Geography Mainland Spain: High Plateaus Mountains Major Rivers: Tajo, Ebro, Duero Ocean and beaches Flat lands Location in Europe: Southern Europe
Spain: Climate Diverse climates Northern and Eastern Mediterranean: Mild Summers and Mild Winters Southern and Eastern Mediterranean: Warm Summers and Mild Winters Guadalquivir: Hot and Dry Summers and Mild Winters South Western Atlantic: Pleasants Summers and Mild Winters. Relatively Humid.
Spain: Government Constitutional Monarchy, with a hereditary monarch Bicameral Parliament President of Government (Prime Minister) Monarchists and Republicans
Spain: Economy Banking Pharmaceuticals Information Technology Agricultural: Fruits, Tomatoes, Wheat, Sugar Beets, Barley, Grapes, Olives and Cork Textiles: iron/steel, chemicals, machinery Differences with United States: Longer Vacation time with 30 days and up 2 hour lunch breaks, because they take siestas
Spain Websites for information for presentation: These sites and more contain information about Spain and what kind of a culture it has. There are also maps and pictures of Spain and the Flag and Crest and so on.
Spain: Vocabulary Constitutional Monarchy Monarchists Republicans Parliament Prime Minister Pharmaceuticals Machinery Textiles Agricultures Metropolitan Provinces University Climate Geography
Information for Project: If there are any questions then the children are allowed to ask for help. They are to use the computer to find the information. They must also use books and people to help with the project. They can ask their parents to help as well, but the PARENTS are NOT to do the project.