2 de Process for Assesment for the Verification of University Official Qualifications 2.Institutional Evaluation: Model for Assesment University Offer University Demand Human Resources Financial Resources Physical Resources Process Indicators Results Indicators INDICATORS:
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21 de 119 CODE: OFFER 1 Internal distribution of the supply of qualifications. DENOMINATION:
22 de 119 EXAMPLE
23 de 119 CODE: OFFER 2 Percentage distribution of the supply of qualifications. DENOMINATION:
24 de 119 EXAMPLE
25 de 119 CODE: OFFER 3 Adequacy of the study in relation to the environment. DENOMINATION:
26 de 119 EXAMPLE
28 de 119 CODE: DEMAND 1 Pre-register at the first option on the total supply of seats. DENOMINATION:
29 de 119 EXAMPLE
30 de 119 CODE: DEMAND 2 New entry in the first option on all new recruits. DENOMINATION:
31 de 119 EXAMPLE Suppose that the number of people who decide to study biology as a first option is 40 and the total number of students enrolled in new recruits is 89. The relationship between the percentage of registered first choice and number of places offered is: (40/89) x100 = 44.94%, 49.94% of the students in Biology enrolled in first option
32 de 119 CODE: DEMAND 3.1 Average access of 20% higher. DENOMINATION:
33 de 119 EXAMPLE University “X” has 10 students whose access tidy notes are: 9, 9, 8.5, 8, 7, 7, 6.5, 6, 5, 5. 20% superiorde students for the first two and thus the average access of 20% would be: (9 +9) / 2 = 9, which is the average access of 20% of students at the University "X".
34 de 119 CODE: DEMAND 3.2 Average access. DENOMINATION:
35 de 119 EXAMPLE (For a university and one year:) ( ) / 10 = 6.25, the average access of students from University X. University X has 10 students whose access notes are: 9, 7.5, 8.5, 8, 6, 7, 6.5, 6, 9, 5, the average access is calculated as:
36 de 119 CODE: DEMAND 4 Mobility of students between Autonomies. DENOMINATION:
37 de 119 EXAMPLE The branch Health Sciences of the Autonomous Community of Madrid offer 1000 places the number of students from other regions who come to study this year in Madrid is 70. Therefore, the percentage of students from other regions who come to study in Madrid is 7%.
38 de 119 CODE: DEMAND 5 International mobility of students. DENOMINATION:
39 de 119 EXAMPLE The technical education branch of the CAAC squares of Madrid 1000 bid, the number of foreign students coming to study this year in Madrid is 70. Therefore, the percentage of foreign students coming to study in Madrid is 7%.
40 de 119 HUMAN RESOURCES (Academic Staff and Administrative Staff)
41 de 119 CODE: HUM_RES 1 Full-time Academic Staff. DENOMINATION:
42 de 119 EXAMPLE Peter III University has 1000 faculty staff (Academic Staff), of which 200 university combine dedication with another professional (non-academic staff are full-time). The indicator for this example would be calculated as: (800/1000) x100 = 80% Therefore 80% of the staff of the University Peter III is a full- time academic staff.
43 de 119 CODE: HUM_RES 2 Academic Staff Doctors DENOMINATION:
44 de 119 EXAMPLE Peter III University has 1000 teachers on its staff, of whom 500 are doctors. The indicator for this example would be calculated as: (500/1000) x100 = 50% Therefore a 50% PDI Peter III of the University are doctors.
45 de 119 CODE: HUM_RES 3 Academic Staff Officials DENOMINATION:
46 de 119 EXAMPLE The old University Peter I have 2500 teachers, of whom 1500 are officials; its indicator is 60% is official. In contrast, the newly established University Peter V has only 30 officials from its total of 200 teachers; indicator is 15.
47 de 119 CODE: HUM_RES 4.1 Administrative Staff / Academic Staff. DENOMINATION:
48 de 119 EXAMPLE The Administrative Staff of University “X” is composed of 300 individuals and 600 Academic Staff. Consequently, this indicator takes the value 0.5, which shows that the number of Academic Staff is two times higher than that of Administrative Staff. This indicator becomes more meaningful when comparing different universities.
49 de 119 CODE: HUM_RES 4.2 Administrative Staff / Full-time Academic Staff. DENOMINATION:
50 de 119 EXAMPLE The Administrative Staff of University “X” is composed of 300 individuals and 300 Academic Staff. Consequently, this indicator takes the value 1.
52 de 119 CODE: FIN_RES 1 Current transfers from Public Administrations on the total revenue. DENOMINATION:
53 de 119 EXAMPLE Current transfers from government to the University ‘X’ is 30 million euros per year, and total revenue of the University ‘X’ is 40 million euros per year. INDICATOR: FIN_RES 1 = X 100 = 75 per 100 / year per 100 / year represent the transfers from Public Administrations of its total revenue.
54 de 119 CODE: FIN_RES 2 Public Prices of Grades Lessons on total revenue. DENOMINATION:
55 de 119 EXAMPLE Public Prices of Grades Lessons of the University ‘X’ is 8 million euros per year and total revenue of the University ‘X’ is 36 million euros / year. INDICATOR: FIN_RES 2 = X 100 = 22,22 per 100 / year ,22 per 100 / year represent the public prices education in total current revenue of the University ‘X’.
56 de 119 CODE: FIN_RES 3.1 Income generated by services on total revenue. DENOMINATION: Expresses the percentage relationship between financial participation for the rights generated by the provision of education services and various additional lessons university official 1st Cycle 2nd Cycle and only the second cycle, applied research and cultural services, and residential and other all the current revenue of public universities. DEFINITION:
57 de 119 EXAMPLE Tuition courses and seminars at the University ‘X’ is about euros / year. Service delivery contracts and agreements Art. LRU 11, University X represent 1.2 million euros / year. Entries to museums, exhibitions and shows of the University X represent euros / year. Other services provided by the University of X represent euros per year. The total revenue generated by services is: = €. The total current revenue of the University X are 36 million euros / year.
58 de 119 EXAMPLE INDICATOR: FIN_RES 3.1 = X 100 = 3,66 per 100 / year ,66 per 100 / year represent the revenue generated by providing services with respect to total income.
59 de 119 CODE: FIN_RES 3.2 Revenue generated by the research on the total non-financial income. DENOMINATION:
60 de 119 EXAMPLE The contracts add euros per year. Research projects add 1.8 million euros / year. Total revenues generated by the research are = €. The total non-financial income of the University X are 43 million euros / year. INDICATOR: FIN_RES 3.1 = X 100 = 5,58 per 100 / year ,58 per 100 / year represent revenues generated by the research on the total non-financial income.
61 de 119 CODE: FIN_RES 4 Personnel expenses over total expenses currents. DENOMINATION: Is the financial contribution that all the running costs of a public university obligations to represent all persons who perform services at the university and are subject to a direct employment relationship with her. DEFINITION:
62 de 119 EXAMPLE The personnel costs of the University X is 27 million euros per year and total expenditure of the University X is 36 million euros / year. INDICATOR: FIN_RES 4 = X 100 = 75 per 100 / year per 100 / year represent staff costs in total expenses.
63 de 119 CODE: FIN_RES 5 Cost of maintenance and conservation of total current expenditure. DENOMINATION: Is the financial contribution that all the running costs of a public university represent obligations to third parties for the provision of goods and services to maintain and keep operational the productive assets of the institution. DEFINITION:
64 de 119 EXAMPLE The costs of upkeep and maintenance of University X are 1.2 million euros per year and total expenditure of the University of X is 36 million euros per year. INDICATOR: FIN_RES 5 = X 100 = 3,33 per 100 / year ,33 per 100 / year represent the cost of upkeep and maintenance of University X in total expenses.
65 de 119 CODE: FIN_RES 6.1 Current expenditure per student enrolled. DENOMINATION:
66 de 119 EXAMPLE The total running costs of the University X is 36 million euros and the number of students enrolled at the University X is INDICATOR: FIN_RES 6.1 = = 2,66 million euros
67 de 119 CODE: FIN_RES 6.2 Current expenditure per student enrolled corrected (according to attached table grades). DENOMINATION:
68 de 119 EXAMPLE The total running costs of the University X is 36 million euros / year, the enrollment weighted by the pilot study at the University X is INDICATOR: FIN_RES 6.2 = = 2,87 million euros
70 de 119 CODE: PHY_RES 1 Posts in classrooms. DENOMINATION:
71 de 119 EXAMPLE Total number of students enrolled = 400. PHY_RES 2: 400/400 = 1 student each day on each of four shifts that have been granted.
72 de 119 CODE: PHY_RES 2 Posts in laboratories. DENOMINATION:
73 de 119 EXAMPLE Total number of students enrolled = 980. PHY_RES 1: 980/640 = 1.53 students per seat per day. As can be seen, whereas with the classroom group sizes and the maximum allowed would have 640 students / day which indicates that there is shortage of classrooms.
74 de 119 CODE: PHY_RES 3 Posts in Libraries. DENOMINATION:
75 de 119 EXAMPLE The number of students at the University X is 2900 and the number of posts in library = 900. The indicator is calculated as: 2900/900 = 3.2 students per seat Remember that there is a recommendation in this area indicating that there should be seats for the simultaneous use of 20% of students enrolled in this case 580. We also have to take into account that were not considered study positions.
76 de 119 CODE: PHY_RES 4 Posts in computers. DENOMINATION:
77 de 119 EXAMPLE The number of students at the University X is 2900 and the number of posts in the computer rooms is 900. The indicator is calculated as: 2900/900 = 3.2 students in every post in the computer room.
79 de 119 CODE: PROCESS 1 Dedication of the student teaching. DENOMINATION:
80 de 119 EXAMPLE The number of credits in which students are enrolled in a qualification in one academic year is 65,000 and the number of students enrolled at that qualification in that particular year is 1,000. Dedication indicator of teaching students is calculated as: PROCESS 1: / 1000 = 65 credits / student
81 de 119 CODE: PROCESS 2 Practices required. DENOMINATION:
82 de 119 EXAMPLE The number of practical credits requiring for the qualification (including credits practicum) is 120 = 13' '5 and the number of total appropriations in the curriculum (including credits offered and not offered) is 380. The indicator of practices required for certification is calculated as: PROCESS 2: 133’5/380 = 0’35 So the total number of credits approved by the plan is three times larger than the number of credits offered by the degree practical.
83 de 119 CODE: PROCESS 3.1 Optional certification required by the qualification. DENOMINATION:
84 de 119 EXAMPLE The number of optional credits and free choice at the qualification is 90 and 34 respectively. Optional Credits + Credits Free Choice = 124. The total number of credits to courses by students is 300. PROCESS 3.1: 124/300 = 0’41
85 de 119 CODE: PROCESS 3.2 Offer optional by the qualification. DENOMINATION:
86 de 119 EXAMPLE The number of optional credits that offer qualification of Medicine is 100. The number of optional credits to take the students is 50. The indicator is calculated as: (100/50) = 2
87 de 119 CODE: PROCESS 4 Practices in companies of the curriculum. DENOMINATION:
88 de 119 EXAMPLE The number of credits of practicum courses students (1 credit = 10 hours) is 13'5 and the number of credits to attend workshops by students (including the practicum) is '5 = 113'5. The indicator, business practices in the curriculum, is computed as: PROCESS 4: 13’5/113’5 » 0’2.
89 de 119 CODE: PROCESS 5.1 Large groups of theory. DENOMINATION:
90 de 119 EXAMPLE The number of groups with 80 or more students is 10 and the number of group theory is 28. The indicator is calculated as: PROCESS 5.1: (10/28) X 100 = 35%, so that 35% of the groups have over 80 students.
91 de 119 CODE: PROCESS 5.2 Small groups of theory. DENOMINATION:
92 de 119 EXAMPLE The number of theory groups with less or equal to 20 students is 18 and the number of theory groups of qualification is 28. The indicator is calculated as: PROCESS 5.2: (18/28 ) X 100= 65%, so that 65% of group theory has less than 20 students.
93 de 119 CODE: PROCESS 6 Dedication of teachers doctor officials during the first coruse of the first cycle. DENOMINATION:
94 de 119 EXAMPLE In the Peter VI University, the number of teachers doctors in first is 5, the number of teachers in first, 10, the number of teachers doctors in the qualification is 60 and the number of teachers in the qualification is 100. The indicator is calculated as: PROCESS 6: [(5/10) / (60/100)] = 0.83 so that 83% of doctors teach in the first year.
95 de 119 CODE: PROCESS 7 Students per teacher. DENOMINATION:
96 de 119 EXAMPLE In the Peter VI University, the qualification of Physics, there are 200 students enrolled, all of them are enrolled credits (or equivalent). The sum of all groups in all subjects offered in the POD represents a supply of 3000 hours of teaching. Consistent with previous data, the student / teacher in Physics qualification from the Peter II University, measured as a proportion of student hours of demand / supply of hours a teacher is brave /3000 = 40. Intuitively we can interpret that there is 1 teacher per 40 students.
98 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 1 Dropout rate (interruption of studies). DENOMINATION: Where "n" is the duration of the curriculum (in years).
99 de 119 EXAMPLE Calculating the dropout rate in October The number of students who began the qualification of three years in course 1997/1998 is 500. The number of students, of 500, not enrolled in the course 1998/1999 or course 1999/2000 is 75. RESULTS 1: (75/500) X100 = 15% 15 % of students have left the study.
100 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 2 Performance rate. DENOMINATION:
101 de 119 EXAMPLE Calculating the performance rate in October Number of credits passed in the qualifications during the course 1999/2000 was 14,400. Number of credits enrolled is 26,300. RESULTS 2: ( / ) x 100 = 54.75%, Students passed 54% of the credits that were enrolled.
102 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 3 Success rate. DENOMINATION:
103 de 119 EXAMPLE Calculating the success rate in October Number of credits passed in the qualifications during the course 1999/2000 was 14,400. Number of credits presented to exam is 18,400. RESULTS 3: ( / ) x 100 = 78.26% students have passed 78% of total credits to be presented for exam
104 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 4 Graduation rate. DENOMINATION:
105 de 119 EXAMPLE Numerator: Students graduated in the course 1999 / 2000 of the first registered in the first year in 1996/1997 in the qualification of law at University X, in the academic year = 125 Denominator: Students registered in 1996 / 1997 in the qualification of law, at University X = 195; (n) = 4 years. RESULTS 4: 125/195 = 64,10 % The 64.10% of those enrolled in law at the academic year 96/97 studies ending in the official length of the same.
106 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 5.1 Average duration of studies DENOMINATION:
107 de 119 EXAMPLE At University X, graduating in the qualification of Law in the academic year 1998/1999 a total of 100 students and its timing as follows: 60 students with a duration of 4 years, 20 students who has spent 5 years and 20 students that took 6 years to obtain graduation. Numerator: (60 x 4) + (20 x 5) + (20 x 6) = 460 Denominator: 100 RESULTS 5.1: 460/100 = 4,6 years
108 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 5.2 Progress Normalized rate. DENOMINATION:
109 de 119 EXAMPLE At the qualification ‘x’ in the University ‘x’, Graduate 100 students in one year. The number of credits that they have all had to pass is 31,000. These students are enrolled throughout the years that have needed to finish their studies in a total of 40,000 credits. INDICATOR: RESULTS 5.1 = = 0,
110 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 6 Satisfaction with the studies. DENOMINATION: Percentage of graduates in each qualification that three years after finishing studies show a reasonable level of satisfaction with the study received. DEFINITION:
111 de 119 EXAMPLE Survey of some basic questions, including: a) How do you rate the overall training received in your University? b) What is the level of alignment between the training received and their needs in the workplace? c) Would you study the same qualification?; In the same university?; Would you make higher education?
112 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 7 Satisfaction with the job. DENOMINATION: Percentage of graduates in each qualification that three years after completing studies are employed in a job they consider reasonably satisfactory. DEFINITION:
113 de 119 EXAMPLE Survey of three basic questions: a) Are you working? (busy, studying, unemployed, inactive) b) Is your job suitable to your level of education? (is below, all right, is above) c) Are you happy with your job? (Scale of 1 to 5)
114 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 8 Rate of participation in projects. DENOMINATION: Percentage relationship between the total number of teachers who participate in competitive scientific projects (European Framework Program, National or regional level with project evaluation,...) and the total number of teachers. DEFINITION:
115 de 119 EXAMPLE In the branch of Social Sciences and Law, University XX have 200 teachers, of whom 20 researchers involved in competitive projects. The participation rate for this segment would be 10%.
116 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 9 Proportion of sexenios. DENOMINATION:
117 de 119 EXAMPLE Teachers of Social Sciences and Law of the University Juan de Juanes are 100 of which are 60 are University Headlines and 10 are University Professor. The total years that they were teachers staff members joined 600 and 180 years respectively. Recounted the number of sexenios of those teachers, is to have 40 and 15. The indicator for that area would be 40% for University Headlines and 50% for University Professors.
118 de 119 CODE: RESULTS 10 Production of Doctors. DENOMINATION:
119 de 119 EXAMPLE The departments assigned to the branch of Social Sciences and Law, at the University of Juan Juanes there are 80 doctors and 8 thesis have been read in the last 5 years. The indicator “Production of Doctors” (8/80)x100 = 10 %.