GOAL To improve students’ flexibility by implementing a stretching program and teaching students how to properly stretch their muscles.
VISUAL HEALTH INFORMATION: STRETCHING EXERCISE PROGRAM CD Provides 74 different stretching exercises, diagrams, and instructions. To teach students and clients how to properly stretch
STRETCHING EXERCISE PROGRAM CD To create stretching programs for clients and students. Price: Free
YOGA MATS ¼” thick foam yoga mats Provides students or clients with a soft surface to stretch on instead of the floor.
YOGA MATS To make stretching more comfortable and enjoyable for students or clients. Price: $16.99
J FIT FIT STRETCHING AID Blue stretching aid for Achilles tendon and calf muscle. Unique rocking feature allows dynamic stretching of the lower leg.
FIT STRETCHING AID The Fit Stretch is ideal for stretching and rehabilitation of the ankle, Achilles tendon, and calf muscles. Price: $17.99
GOFIT 9' STRETCH ROPE Rope used to enhance stretches or aid students or clients with stretching. Get a better, deeper, more efficient stretch.
GOFIT 9' STRETCH ROPE Relieve tension throughout your body and increases flexibility. Price: $16.39 (includes Bob Harper Regeneration Training Manual)
HEALTH MARK DELUXE STRETCH BARRE Adjustable metal bar for stretching and aiding balance while stretching. To provide an aide to balance on during certain stretches that students or clients might struggle with.
HEALTH MARK DELUXE STRETCH BARRE Aids balance, can be used for other core training methods. Price: $379.00
TOTAL COST VHI Stretching Software: $0.00 Yoga Mats: $16.99 x 25 = $ J Fit Stretching Aid: $17.99 x 5 = $89.95 Gofit 9’ Stretch Rope: $16.39 x 5 = $81.95 Health Mark Deluxe Stretch Barre: $ Total: $975.65
CONCLUSION With the addition of these products and software to your classroom and physical education class your students’ flexibility and overall knowledge of stretching will improve and increase.