Please insert a figure in the master transparency. KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association.


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Presentation transcript:

Please insert a figure in the master transparency. KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association IHM, KIT, Campus Nord LEADER WP6 technical meeting Karlsruhe November 22 nd 2012

IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 2 2 KIT Georg Müller WP6 overview – LEADER Karlsruhe Nov. 22 nd, 2012 WP6: Lead Technology (KIT) Start Month: 1 – End month: 36 Lead participant: KIT Participants: CEA, CIRTEN, ANSALDO - MERIVUS, ENEA, KIT, UJV Total effort: 79 PM The work concentrates on topics to ensure the basic technologies of the project and to establish programs and priorities of co-operation with partner of GENIV and ROSATOM. The WP is organized in 5 Tasks: 4 Tasks address several specific technological issues directly linked to the coolant Task No 5 is or was? dedicated to knowledge exchange with ROSATOM – new information today

IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 3 3 KIT Georg Müller WP6 overview – LEADER Karlsruhe Nov. 22 nd, 2012 Objectives of WP6 Task 1: Material for heat transfer components Determine important mechanical properties of T91 with and without surface protection like creep and stress in combination with Pb of materials for heat transfer components Task 2: Materials for mechanical pump Test promising pump materials under realistic conditions Task 3: Oxygen control and purification strategy Collection and assessment of available information concerning monitoring and control of the oxygen activity in a pool type reactor and purification of lead during plant operation Task 4: Damping pressure waves inside the SG Investigate and asses the damping of pressure waves by SGTR event Task 5: Scientific and technology collaboration with ROSATOM institutions Cooperation (exchange of knowledge and joint technological efforts) with the ROSATOM project in specific topics.

IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 4 4 KIT Georg Müller WP6 overview – LEADER Karlsruhe Nov. 22 nd, 2012 Gant Chart of WP6 D, T and MS until KIT meeting M24 - D12 – Task Compilation of existing data on the liquid lead oxygen control strategy – CEA, ENEA, KIT – Draft – Mid of December by Christian to Alessandro and Alfons Final version – March 2013 M30 - T09 – Task Heat transfer properties – KIT – draft report in preparation – parts are ready - some additional measurements (Laser flash) are in planning and preparation Final version February 2013 M30 - T13 - Task Surface aluminizing of steam generator components – in preparation – translation of compact version of master thesis KIT - availabe in December 2012 Milestone: M24 - M06 Task SG test facility commissioned – ENEA, CIRTEN, MERIVUS shift to M 28 now M36 Kick-Off in Genova April 22 nd 30 MM in Karlsruhe D12 M06, T09, T13

IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 5 5 KIT Georg Müller WP6 overview – LEADER Karlsruhe Nov. 22 nd, 2012 Gant Chart of WP6 M36 - D16 – Task Erosion stability of materials in fast flowing lead – ENEA, KIT M36 - D33 – Task Summary of HLM reactors materials – KIT M36 - T17 – Task Influence of lead on mechanical properties – KIT, ENEA, UJV M36 - D23 – Task Tests report on the performance of the proposed pressure wave damping system – ENEA, CIRTEN, ANSALDO now shifted to M36 + 6! M36 - D24 – Task Summary of the complementary and common work of EU – partners and ROSATOM institutions based on the deliverables containing the ROSATOM contribution - ENEA, CEA, KIT Kick-Off in Genova April 22 nd 24 month‘s meeting in Madrid D12 M06, T09, T13 T17, D16, D33, D23, D24 D, T until end of project

IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 6 6 KIT Georg Müller WP6 overview – LEADER Karlsruhe Nov. 22 nd, 2012 D NoResponsibleDue date Expected D12 (6.3)CEA – KIT - ENEA M24 / M30March 2013 D16 (6.2)ENEA - KITM30August 2013 D23 (6.4)ENEA – MERIVUSM36August 2013 D24 (6.5)ENEA – KIT - CEA M36? D33 (6.1)KIT – ENEA – UJV M36March 2013 T09 (6.1)KITM24 / M30February 2013 T13 (6.1)KITM30December 2012 T17 (6.1)KIT – ENEA – UJVM36March 2013 M06 (6.4)ENEAM24 / M28March 2013 Planning of Deliverables and Technical reports

IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 7 7 KIT Georg Müller WP6 overview – LEADER Karlsruhe Nov. 22 nd, 2012 LEADER WP6 AGENDA – Madrid May 10 th Draft – AGENDA of WP6 meeting in Karlsruhe November 11 th :00General Overview Status of WP6 (Deliverables, Milestones, Problems) – G. Müller 14:10 Task 6.1 A. Weisenburger (KIT) overview + some results with contributions from ENEA 14:40 Task 6.2 M. Tarantino (ENEA) overview and status of work A. Weisenburger (KIT) - status of work (very short) 15:15Task 6.3 A. Weisenburger(KIT) status of work - dedicated meeting at Cadarache 15:30 – 15:45 Coffee break 15:45Task 6.4 M. Tarantino (ENEA) overview and status of work 16:15Task 6.5 A. Alemberti and G. Müller information on actual status of negotiations with ROSATOM

IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 8 8 KIT Georg Müller WP6 overview – LEADER Karlsruhe Nov. 22 nd, 2012 Task 6.1 – T09 – Task Heat transfer properties – KIT draft was foreseen at M24 - some additional diffusivity measurements are planned / e.g. T91 exposed in Pb to see the influence of Pb on diffusivity (Pb penetrates the magenetite scale) Draft of T09 (almost complete document) planned M30 Task 6.2 – ENEA has adapted the working program – Asked for extension of 6 month’s Experiments will start in April KIT has rebuild the CORELLA / Tests will start December h test will finish beginning of March – post examination ready for end of LEADER D16 “Erosion stability of materials in fast flowing lead“ needs to be shifted by additional 6 months (extension of this Task) Task 6.3 – 2 nd meeting - CEA, KIT, ANSALDO, ENEA (video) in Cadarache July 5-6 Intensive discussion about control strategy – Draft minutes circulated - Content of Deliverable is agreed – also share of work 1 st draft Mid of December – March 2013 final version Task 6.4 – Milestone was shifted to Month 28 – status of work will be given today Task 6.5 negotiations how to proceed are still ongoing – A. AlembertiG. Müller Problems, delays, deviations?