Welcome to 5 th Grade!!!
CAMP Camp Olympia in Trinity, Tx. We will be leaving on Wednesday (9/10) and returning Friday (9/12). Camp packets must be returned by Thursday (9/3)
Health Forms If your child does not eat certain foods please list that under diet restrictions. Do not list it as an allergy, unless it is truly an allergy. All medications will require doctors orders. – You can have orders faxed to (713) or dropped off to the school (NO LATER than Thursday 9/5 at 3:00) – You can also have the order scanned and ed to (NO LATER than Friday
Stuff your child will need Send 4 or 5 changes of clothes A couple ( 1 or 2) extra sets of sleepwear At least 1 long pair of pants 5 or 6 pairs of socks and underwear A pillow A bath or beach towel
Stuff your child may want A small blanket or stuff animal that is comforting. Sunscreen and off A hat Disposable cameras. Please do not send digital cameras since they could get damaged A light jacket A flashlight Flip flops
Please do NOT allow your child to pack… Any electronics (including cell phones) Any food or drinks Any toys Any items of value Any medications in their bag
Any questions?