The Leading EDGE ™ / The Teaching EDGE ™ Harry Potter aka Deb Couls Jenn Wayne aka Jennifer Mallory
The Leading EDGE™ Effective leaders usually have more than one leadership style A key to good leadership is to match the style of leadership to the people and the stage of the team’s development Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable
The Teaching EDGE™ A team’s success depends on learning new skills The leader is responsible for providing skill instruction Match instruction to learner’s enthusiasm and skill Use Teaching EDGE™ Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable
Stage of Team Development Forming High enthusiasm and motivation/low skills Forming requires Explaining The Leading EDGE™
The Teaching EDGE™ Explain / Forming Enthused and motivated to learn Skill level low Explain exactly what to do and how to do it
Stage of Team Development Storming Low enthusiasm/low skills Storming requires Demonstrating The Leading EDGE™
The Teaching EDGE™ Demonstrate / Storming Realizes the skill may not be easy to master Enthusiasm and motivation are low Skills level still low Demonstrate by clearly showing what to do and how to do it
Rising enthusiasm/growing skills Norming requires Guiding or Coaching The Leading EDGE™ Stage of Team Development Norming
The Teaching EDGE™ Guide / Norming Skill level increases Motivation and enthusiasm increases Guide by giving freedom to figure out things, supporting with encouragement, and helping to move closer to the goal
High enthusiasm/high skills Performing usually requires Enabling The Leading EDGE™ Stage of Team Development Performing
The Teaching EDGE™ Enable / Performing Skills and enthusiasm are high Learner can act independently and be very productive Enable the person by giving them the freedom to make decisions
Stages of Team Development
Summary A team responds best to leadership tailored to the stage the team is experiencing at the moment A learner responds best to skill instruction tailored to the stage of skill development the individual is experiencing at the moment
Summary The Leading EDGE™ acronym describes the behavior of a leader as the team moves through the stages of development The Teaching EDGE™ acronym describes the behavior of a skills instructor as the learner moves through the stages of development