title The future: meeting new and complex needs Bev Jessop & Andy Dennehy
Purpose of today Considering current issues facing ISCs Changing learner needs at QAC, then & now What does new and complex mean? Residential considerations Academic & pastoral considerations Boils down to... What next for your college...?
What challenges do ISCs face? Group views on general issues … Our focus today is on meeting learner needs...
QAC - mid 1990s QAC diversified from just VI –Convincing governors of changes afoot –stakeholder agreement – ‘old guard’ vs. ‘future thinking’ debate - –Reviewed increase in demand in ASD at time –Staff ‘buy in’ skills review & update/training important Proactively decided direction required to maintain long term college viability: ASD & VI focus – a strategic change – was the correct decision Impact? Changed college dynamics BUT… –Numbers have increased year on year (still are) –Financial stability maintained – Prepared for current changes
QAC … QAC analysed trend in applications –a significant increase in complexity of applicants day & residential–a management approach to current changing horizons was needed –AWAY DAY was held with entire college wide management team –Considered increased complexity and changing needs & agreed way forward (complex physical and mental health) –Residential & academic impact
Significant issue for QAC ‘New & Complex* needs’ Need to be clear of what this* means to address consistently & strategically: – Informs strategic plan – Curriculum - Estates – Staffing – Training- Marketing –more Group discussion – new & complex means?
Residential Predict changes in learner needs based on current trends. Adapt care homes/change facilities to meet expected needs. Change CQC registration to reflect the changes in provision.
Residential Identify staffing requirements/introduce new roles e.g. Senior Care Worker. Each home to specialise in a required area of need. Devise staff training programme to increase care staff knowledge and skills around differing needs.
Academic & Pastoral Considering cohort mix – positives/negatives Strategies to maintain the greater learner good –Parallel timetable; length & format of day... –Designated areas to provide stability & familiarity in a busy college environment –Strengthening cross college behavioural team: policy & procedures to meet wider issues –Strengthening all staff skills to cope with more physical complexities
Academic/pastoral… Piloting course ‘12-’13 – complex behaviours and SLD offered places – specialist staffing approved & identified –to review with plan to extend- to offer more places Expanding the multidisciplinary, specialist, qualified and experienced support team Ensure staff teams aware – all academic & pastoral
Boils down to… Planned and responsive developments –Mid term –Long term Addressing the viability of the ‘learner mix’ –Who can & should we support? –Impact of changes on others? –What is the predicted need for future learners? –Who do we know will no longer be coming our way? Stop trying to recruit –How do we engage all stakeholders in this direction? (learners & families too) Adjusting the facilities and accommodation –Ideals –Reality (what can we/should we afford?)
What Next? Choose 3 actions to recommend to your CMT. 1. Define learner changing needs 2. Plan impacts on your college 3. Strategic plan updates
The End Any questions?