Climate Change: The Critical Decade Chief Commissioner Tim Flannery
There is no doubt that the climate is changing. The atmosphere is warming, the ocean is warming, ice is being lost from glaciers and ice caps, and sea levels are rising.
Source: Why is the climate warming?
Burning fossil fuels, like coal and oil, and deforestation are the primary source of the increasing carbon dioxide. Source:, DCCEE 2011,
Climate change risks: increasing temperatures For the most recent 10-year period ( ), global average temperature was 0.46 °C above the average, the warmest decade on record.
Global sea level has risen by about 20 cm since the 1880s, when the first global estimates could be made. Climate change risks: rising sea levels
Flooding and storm surge Source: Torres Strait Courier Mail, Yamba Debrah Novak
This is the critical decade. Without strong and rapid action there is a significant risk that climate change will undermine our society’s prosperity, health, stability and way of life. The choices we make this decade will shape the long- term climate future for our children and grandchildren.