Conservative force or initiator of social change? L.O.: Understand that religion has a role in society. It can maintain traditional norms or it can be the path to changing society.
Duality of Religion - Neo-Marxism Modified view on Marx’s theory ANTONIO GRAMSCI – superstructure is more autonomous. Beliefs are as real and as important as economy. Proletariat would have to act however, they would have to be guided by theoretical ideas. Have their own intellectuals to shape the working class consciousness.
Hegemony Control over consciousness. How you think? What you believe? Process of symbolic power and control – persuasive force. Emotionally and Intellectually invested in dominant ideologies – built in consent so dominant ideologies become common sense reality.
Otto Maduro Significant change within the churches is the only way to achieve social liberation. Reference more towards developing nations where the clergy stand in as the voice of the people or Gramsci’s ‘intellectuals’.
DUALITY OF RELIGION continued Engels (1895) – Religion disguises inequality but it can also challenge the status quo. ERNST BLOCH – ‘ Principle of hope’ Dreams of a better life can help people see what needs changing in this world. Vision along with organization and leadership can inspire protest and change.
Liberation Theology Emerged in the 1960’s within Catholic Church in Latin America. Change in direction – strong commitment to the poor and opposition to Military dictatorship. Brought on by increased poverty, human rights violations and change in ideology.
Praxis – practical action guided by theory Priest helped set up support groups, assisted in fighting oppression and took the lead in educating the poor. Helped bring about democracy in Latin America Criticism – It helped bring about democracy however, it did not threaten the stability of capitalism.