Greek Gods and Goddesses The Olympians
Religion Most religions today are Monotheistic, meaning they have only one God. The Greeks were Polytheistic meaning…?
Your Assignment The Greek Gods and Goddesses are often described using symbolism. As we discuss each God and Goddess you will need to create a symbol that represents that God or Goddess. A symbol is an image or group of images that show meaning without words.
Zeus King of the Gods. God of storms and sky. Wields the thunderbolt.
Hera Wife and sister of Zeus. Goddess of marriage and childbirth.
Poseidon Brother of Zeus. God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. Often seen carrying a trident.
Hades Brother of Zeus. God of the Underworld.
Demeter Sister of Zeus. Goddess of corn, grain, and the harvest.
Hestia Sister of Zeus. Goddess of the hearth, the symbol of the home.
Aphrodite Wife of Hephaestus. Daughter of Zeus. Goddess of love and beauty.
Apollo Son of Zeus. God of the sun, and music.
Artemis Twin sister of Apollo. Daughter of Zeus. Goddess of the hunt and the moon.
Athena Daughter of Zeus alone. Goddess of wisdom and reason. Often shown with an owl.
Hermes Son of Zeus. Messenger of the Gods. God of thieves and mischief making.
Ares Son of Zeus and Hera. God of War.
Hephaestus Son of Zeus and Hera. Husband of Aphrodite. God of fire and the forge. The blacksmith God, he made the weapons for the Gods and Goddesses.
Eros Son of Aphrodite. God of Love.
Dionysus Son of Zeus. God of wine and grapes.