Mid to late 1500’s Followed the High Renaissance Idealized works by Michaelangelo and Raphael Complex poses Idealized, muscular forms Complex compositions Often theatrical Emotional Often over stylized/distorted Incredible technical skill
Regarding Michaelangelo, Eugene Delecroix stated: "[A]ll that he has painted is muscles and poses, in which even science, contrary to general opinion, is by no means the dominant factor... He did not know a single one of the feelings of man, not one of his passions. When he was making an arm or a leg, it seems as if he were thinking only of that arm or leg and was not giving the slightest consideration to the way it relates with the action of the figure to which it belongs, much less to the action of the picture as a whole... Therein lies his great merit; he brings a sense of the grand and the terrible into even an isolated limb."
El Greco
Correggio gio/ gio/
El Greco (born Domenikos Theotokópoulos) (Spanish, born Crete, ), Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple, about , oil on canvasChrist Driving the Money Changers from the Templeoilcanvas
The Repentant Peter c (180 Kb); Oil on canvas
The opening of the Fifth Seal of the Apocalyp se c (200 Kb); Oil on canvas
Adoration of the Shepherds
Madonna with St George Oil on canvas, CORREGGIO
Ganymede Oil on canvas,
Resources m.htmlhttp:// m.html e.html?/html/c/correggi/index.htmlhttp:// e.html?/html/c/correggi/index.html greco.repentant-peter.jpghttp:// greco.repentant-peter.jpg htmlhttp:// html
Critique: Rosso Fiorentino Pieta , canvas transferred from wood
Comparative summary Vasari, GiorgioVasari, Giorgio ( ) Annunciation oil on wood Annunciation Tempera-on-panel-150-x-156-cm-Galleria-degli-Uffizi-Florence.jpg Date: 1489/90 Sandro Botticelli Annunciation
Comparative Summary