Cross Stitching Cross stitching is when you make an “ X ” by crossing one stitch over another. Today, we are just going to be doing ½ stitches like this “ / ”. This is called a “Tent Stitch”.
Cross Stitching Cross stitching is when you make an “ X ” by crossing one stitch over another. Today, we are just going to be doing ½ stitches like this “ / ”. This is called a “Tent Stitch”.
Tent Stitch Back Stitch (details stitched on top… like the pink “C”) Long Stitch same as tent stitch, only longer Whipstitching is used to join the Overcasting Stitches finish edges of 2 or more pieces of the outer edges of your picture. plastic canvas together Cross Stitching
Start with an empty plastic grid. When starting your stitches, do not knot the tail end, but hold an inch or two of that tail end on the back of your canvas. As you work, stitch OVER the tail end on the back side of your canvas. Trim any extra length of the tail on the back after you have covered it with several stitches.
Cross Stitching Stitch one tent stitch. (½ stitch) Always start from the back so your knots will be on the back, not the front.
Cross Stitching Keep stitching across the row…
Cross Stitching Keep stitching across the row…
Cross Stitching Keep stitching across the row…
Cross Stitching Keep stitching across the row…
Cross Stitching Keep stitching across the row…
Cross Stitching Keep stitching across the row…
Cross Stitching Keep stitching across the row…
Cross Stitching