Business Hypotheses Who is my customer? What is my product? Why will my customer buy my product? Week #2 EL name (Entrepreneur Lead) AL name (Academic Lead) Mentor name (Mentor) Insert picture Team # Interviews Completed This Week: [insert number]
Lessons Learned Team # Hypothesis: What did you think prior to starting the interviews? What were you testing? Experiment: What did you do to test your hypothesis? What key questions did you ask in your interviews? Results: What did you find? Include a direct customer quote if it is illustrative of what you learned. Iterate: What are you going to do next? Who will you interview? What do you hope to learn?
Business Model Canvas Revise to reflect what you learned this week: What customer need are we satisfying or what customer problem are we solving? What value to we deliver to the customer? Why will the customer choose our product/ technology over others? Team # Pick one segment and focus. Revise to reflect what you learned: Who does our technology create value for? What are their demographic characteristics? What traits do they have in common?