+ Thinking about Layout DO NOW: What is layout? In 2-3 sentences write down what you think this word means?
+ Layout: the way in which text or pictures are set out on a page Our next project: We will create Issue #2 School Literary Art Magazine for the TechBoston Academy Website. Each of us will be responsible for the layout of one spread.
+ Let’s look at last year’s Issue rg/apps/news/show_news.jsp?RE C_ID=275925&id=0 rg/apps/news/show_news.jsp?RE C_ID=275925&id=0
+ We will be working with the program Indesign for our Layout Load up the Program Adobe Indesign Let’s set up the document size: 8.5” x 11”
+ Making a Spread Go to the Window Tab and scroll down to Pages and the layout of the pages will pop up Go to A Master and drag down to create a page on both sides. This is called a Spread. This is what you will be laying out for our Literary Magazine.
+ Bringing in Text Let’s get to know how to bring in text: Go to T tool in the toolbox/drag across the page Go under File Place: bring in any text file from your desktop to practice setting text
+ Bringing in a Picture Go to the Tool bar and grab the icon with the square Drag it across your page Go under File and Place and find any practice image to practice placing an image
+ Now Practice making more text and images Think about them as image and not type How will you show what is most important? How will you highlight text? Where will you place the pictures? Practice making them larger and smaller The spread is your canvas.
+ Homework: bring in some of your own writing next time so you can practice and include your work in this issues as well.