Shift Happens How will you respond?
Shift Happens Things change. It’s inevitable. But why do we need to change when everything is going just fine? On your own, fill out the Anticipation Guide.
Where We’ve Been EraThinking in Society Thinking in Education Thinking in Literacy Agricultural Society Craftsmanship know the process from beginning to end One room school house Provided apprenticeships Summer months reserved for harvesting Education not for all Signature literacy – ability to read and write one’s name Recitation literacy – ability to recite memorized texts
Where We’ve Been EraThinking in Society Thinking in Education Thinking in Literacy Agricultural Society Craftsmanship Industrial Revolution Task Orientation Expertise in 1 thing Schools look like factory Specialization Deconstruction of process Fragmentation of curriculum Decoding and analytical literacy – ability to read unfamiliar material and comprehend at a LITERAL level Phonics “invented”
Where We’ve Been EraThinking in Society Thinking in Education Thinking in Literacy Agricultural Society Craftsmanship Industrial Revolution Task Orientation Information Age Process Orientation Process thinking Problem solving and analytical skills Communication and group skills Independence and responsibility Critical translation literacy – ability to EXTEND IDEAS of text by making inferences, drawing conclusions, summarizing, analyzing, and evaluating
What Happened? When any society shifts eras, education is always the last industry to change in every culture.
Shift Happens Go to the DVD.
Shift Happens So what?
Shift Happens We can not prepare students for our past, but we must prepare them for their future.
Shifts We’ve Made NCLB and AYP Adopted new textbooks New faculty and administration Technology grants Changing standards Approach to teaching reading and on and on and on …
The Implementation Dip The Meaning of Educational Change (Michael Fullan) Cruising along and life is good! SHIFT HAPPENS!!! The Implementation Dip … some are deeper than others. We never return to the same level of teaching and learning as before the shift. And we soar!
Getting Out of the Dip Set 1-3 goals for ourselves per month. Recognize and reward ourselves when we accomplish our goals. Establish support networks. If we do these 3 things, then the gain will happen and it will be better on the other side!
What Now? Thoughts? Discussion? Questions?