Kazimierz Deyna Paweł Solon Class 1a
Kazimierz Deyna Name and surname: Kazimierz Deyna nationality: Polish date of birth: (Starogard Gdański) – He died: in San Diego (USA) hight: 1,80 m weight: 77 kg position: sport striker / helper clubs:,, Legia Warsaw, Manchester City (England), San Diego Sockers (USA), Tijuana Legends (Meksiko) Sukcces: Golld medal IO '72 (Monachium,king of the shotter), silver medal IO '76 (Montreal), bronze medal MŚ '74 (Germans. representation: 102 match, 45 goals
Deyna HISTORY According to other people He was the best player He was play in Legia Warsaw. Next He went to English Manchester City. He reborn in USA were He became one of the best plaers Unfortonatl He was a alcoholic. 15 years ago in American road He fell asleep behind the wheel and He died in car accident.
The best achievements Master of the poland in colours of Legia Warsaw 1972 Master of the olimpic games in MonachiumMonachium 1973 He won a trophee Poland in colours Legia Warsaw 1974 Third place in X World Cup in RFN