Response to Intervention: The Journey Continues Douglas County School District Robin Carey / Karen Brofft CASE Convention July 29-31, 2009
Quotable… The real voyage of discovery consists not of seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes… ~ Marcel Proust
Presentation Overview Douglas County School District is in its second year of district wide implementation of the Response to Intervention (RtI) framework. The presentation is intended to provide practical examples of the continued implementation efforts at the district and site levels.
Presentation Overview Topics will include: the school wide problem solving process, roles of school based personnel, data tracking, progress monitoring, and Specific Learning Disability (SLD) identification readiness.
Presentation Overview The presentation will examine what was, what is, and what is yet to come.
Definition Response to Intervention is defined as: “… a framework that promotes a well- integrated system connecting general, compensatory, gifted, and special education in providing high quality, standards-based instruction & intervention that is matched to students’ academic, social–emotional, and behavioral needs.” Colorado Department of Education, 2008
The Journey Pre-2006: Pieces and Parts Problem Solving Teams Assessments : Building Readiness RtI Leadership Team Development of EIS Guide : First year of district wide implementation RtI Liaisons AIMSweb
The Journey Continues… : Second year of district wide implementation RtI ‘tabs’ RtI web pages RtI Contacts RtI Problem Solving Teams AIMSweb
The Journey Continues… Beyond… SLD Identification Aligned focus RtI and English Language Learners RtI and gifted learners
The Implementation Dip… ~ Michael Fullan Where we started When NOT to get discouraged! Where we are going
Stories From the Field: Diving Into the “Dip” Building the plane while flying Permission to practice Development of a true learning community Data authentically takes the front seat Empowers all to become problem-solvers Unintended outcomes; +/∆