Physical therapist Physical therapists treat patients who have disabilities because of disease, injury, or loss of a body part by using exercise, light, heat, cold, water, electricity, ultrasound and massage.
duties and responsibilities Physical therapist have many duties and responsibilities such as: Physical therapist have many duties and responsibilities such as: –Recording the patients treatments, responses and progress. –To view the patients medical records and find out which treatments fit the patient best. –Performing tests and measurement evaluations to determine the range of motion the patient has. –Able to explain the exercise to the patient to make sure he/she is doing it right.
Earnings, The Physical therapist’s salary and earnings depend on how large the employer is. The Physical therapist’s salary and earnings depend on how large the employer is. It also depends on how many patients it has. It also depends on how many patients it has. Median annual earnings of physical therapists were $80,889 in Median annual earnings of physical therapists were $80,889 in The lowest ten percent earned less than $56,837. The lowest ten percent earned less than $56,837. the highest ten percent earned more than $114,395. the highest ten percent earned more than $114,395.
Advancement & employment opportunities To become a physical therapist you need to volunteer part time of full time as a physical therapist aide hospitals or clinics. To become a physical therapist you need to volunteer part time of full time as a physical therapist aide hospitals or clinics. You may also need to Apply directly to hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. You may also need to Apply directly to hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. Help is also provided from collage placement offices and by consulting newspaper want ads and other publications. Help is also provided from collage placement offices and by consulting newspaper want ads and other publications.
Future outlook in regards to job availability There were 12,870 people employed in this occupation in New York in There were 12,870 people employed in this occupation in New York in The number employed in 2016 is expected to be 15,490, an increase of 20 percent. The number employed in 2016 is expected to be 15,490, an increase of 20 percent.
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Suggested HS courses As many science and math classes provided As many science and math classes provided Also all health classes provided. Also all health classes provided.
Required education and training To become a physical therapist you need to require your doctoral degree To become a physical therapist you need to require your doctoral degree You also need to pass the National Physical Therapy Examination to get your physical therapist license. You also need to pass the National Physical Therapy Examination to get your physical therapist license.
Other interesting facts: Physical therapists can also become certified in a specialty, such as pediatrics or sports therapy. Physical therapists can also become certified in a specialty, such as pediatrics or sports therapy. Every state in the country require physical therapist to be licensed. Every state in the country require physical therapist to be licensed.
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