Careers 2020 Phase 2 (#Careers2020) A Cloudy Horizon 6 th December 2013, Linking London Careers Group Louis Coiffait The Pearson Think Tank
Introductions Independent evidence and ideas from Pearson Programme of research and thought-leadership e.g. The Academies Commission (Jan 13), Careers advice (Sep 13) Blue Skies, on the future of higher education (on-going) Tuition fees (May 13) and admissions (both Sep 13) Working with Sir Michael Barber’s team on more global projects e.g. Michael Fullan paper out in Jan 14 on digital pedagogies. Ongoing policy intelligence, analysis and comment e.g. Policy Watch. Participate in key education debates, provide a platform for ideas. All of our content and activities are free.
The policy context for careers: recent changes p.19
The policy context for careers: concerns Overall availability, consistency and quality of careers provision Adequate funding Levels of awareness in schools about careers and recent changes Sufficient support and guidance available to schools Impartiality of careers services, particularly for vocational options Lack of data about either careers provision or outcomes Suitable monitoring and accountability mechanisms Low prevalence of school-wide and curriculum-led approaches A low priority for schools with little time devoted to careers More complex progression routes for learners International evidence of negative outcomes from similar policies Ownership falls between BIS-DfE, most funding from latter withdrawn Long-term economic, equity and social costs p.20
Careers 2020 Phase One Mapping existing knowledge and evidence The first phase of the project covered: Recent history and best practice Menu of all possible careers activities Recommendations for schools School-wide strategic focus Embed across the curriculum Supported and monitored
Careers 2020 Phase One Mapping existing knowledge and evidence p.15
Careers 2020 Phase Two What is actually happening on the ground? Four surveys, with principle focus on a nationally representative sample of those involved in school-based careers work Has provision changed over 3 time periods? academic year academic year Previous years Which activities are being delivered? (building on the ‘menu’) What age groups receive careers support? What partners are schools working with?
Changes in provision over the last three years p.25
Careers 2020 Phase Two What is actually happening on the ground? Eight recommendations 1: Schools should have one leader responsible for careers 2: Schools should have one employer-governor lead on careers 3: Schools should provide consistent careers support to all learners 4: Ofsted should explicitly inspect careers 5: Government should publish open data on careers activities 6: Government should publish open data on careers outcomes 7: The NCS should provide all-age careers support 8: The NCS should co-ordinate careers work locally and nationally
Thank you! Phase Two report: Raw data: Hard copies on request Twitter: #Careers2020