U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program October 14, 2003 USDA Presidential Initiatives Working Group Meeting Chris Niedermayer, Associate CIO.


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Presentation transcript:

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program October 14, 2003 USDA Presidential Initiatives Working Group Meeting Chris Niedermayer, Associate CIO & eGovernment Executive

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 2  Welcome  Recent Activities  E-Board Update  Initiative MOU/Project Plan Updates  Q&A/Next Steps Agenda

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 3 Meetings with Scott Charbo and the Managing Partners  All meetings completed  Project Plans to serve as “Contracts” with Managing Partners  USDA identified as the model for collaboration and participation by many managing partners  Thank you Recent Activities Have these been helpful to you? Does it make sense to another round again at mid-point of FY?

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 4 Reporting and Funding  Drafted Presidential Initiatives Report to OMB for 4th Quarter of FY 2003 Will circulate shortly for your review/edits/comments  Completion of “How to Get to Green” Table In response to Migration Plan presented to the CIO Council  With your help and OMB guidance, Agency funding amounts determined for FY 2004 and estimated for FY 2005 Handout revised Recent Activities As FY 2004 begins, USDA stands prepared to serve as a model for participation in the Presidential Initiatives.

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 5  Welcome  Recent Activities  E-Board Update  Initiative MOU/Project Plan Updates  Q&A/Next Steps Agenda

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 6 At its September 11 meeting, the E-Board:  Continued to endorse the USDA Enterprise Architecture (v 1.04) and “Transformation Path” Support for Presidential Initiatives Established 11 lines of business, 8 of which were derived directly from the USDA eGovernment Strategic Plan FY  67 major investments approved. E-Board accountable for decisions and also for leadership in implementation. E-Board Update The Presidential Initiatives are critical components of the E-Boards Enterprise Architecture.

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 7  Welcome  Recent Activities  E-Board Update  Initiative MOU/Project Plan Updates  Q&A/Next Steps Agenda

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 8 USDA PI Project Plans have served as model for OMB and will become increasingly important moving forward:  Karen Evans instructions to Managing Partners FY 2004 MOUs to be completed by October 15 Managing Partners are to include Project Plans in the MOUs that spell out partner responsibilities for the coming year  USDA PI Project Plans will need to be revised according to MOUs/Managing Partner Goals/Expectations  For FY 2004, project plans will serve as the main vehicle for helping you track USDA agency progress in supporting these efforts. MOU/Project Plan Updates Have you spoken with your Managing Partner about the FY 2004 MOU?

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 9  Welcome  Recent Activities  E-Board Update  Initiative MOU/Project Plan Updates  Q&A/Next Steps Agenda

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 10 Questions and Answers

U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 11 Next Steps Bring PI teams together to “kick off” your FY 2004 efforts to support these initiatives. EGWG members have requested briefings on the Strategic Smart Choices and the Presidential Initiatives. A special extended session on Presidential Initiatives is tentatively planned for either the 12 th or 24 th of November. The eGovernment Team will do a draft deck. Each lead will have 1 slide and 5 minutes, including questions. Please keep us apprised of any updates on MOU status. eGovernment Team will be contacting each of you to go over your project plan and assist with any updates. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the eGovernment Team at or Next Meeting: November 4, 2003 from AM. Location is TBD.