Superintendent’s Zone Mission District Instructional Leadership Team Network Session #1 Karling Aguilera-Fort Regina Piper November 12, 2014
Welcome Teams! Bryant Buena Vista Horace Mann Cesar Chavez Leonard Flynn Sanchez
Warm up (4 minutes) Read the quotes on the back of your agenda from Professional Capital by Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan. (4 minutes) Underline a phrase or sentence and jot down a personal connection you make to this Find a partner from another school, introduce yourself Discuss
Session Outcomes Begin to develop a Theory of Action that will address the needs of identified focal students within each school and across the SZMD Identify the leadership actions that are required in order to address the academic and social emotional needs of our focal students Continue to strengthen relational trust among members of our SZMD ILTs and identify ways of building relational trust with our focal group of students
Feedback and Adjustments You Liked… Flexibility and support for school teams to work together Sharing across school teams You Wanted… Alignment and consistency among the various meeting structures zone and school-wide Adjustments… We have initiated the alignment between systems, processes and documents (BSC, SQII, CORE and Networks)
Agenda 3:00-3:20 Warm-up, Welcome, Overview 3:20-4:30 Site team Planning 4:35-5:25 Cross-School Sharing 5:25-5:30 Feedback/Closing
Norms Stay engaged (Be Present) Trust the process and assume best intentions (Keep equity at the center and be part of the solution) Equity of Voice
SZMD ILT Network Zone Priority: Accelerate the learning of our ELs and African-American students by….. Monitoring the progress of our Focal Student Groups (LTELs/AAs) Regularly analyzing student work & data in order to inform our actions to support students Continuously improving the impact of our individual and collective actions on student achievement and emotional well-being
Student’s Experiences in Classrooms Accelerate the achievement for our EL and African-American students Teacher Practices Student-Centered Learning Environment Pedagogical Framework Shared Leadership Strengthened by an engaged and high-functioning ILT Shared Leadership Strengthened by an engaged and high-functioning ILT Relational Trust ILTs in Action
Theory of Action for SZMD Leadership Learning Network If We……. Focus on a Problem of Practice Support schools to be intentional about their instructional priorities, and align all their actions to these priorities Create a space that allows shared leadership and shared responsibility Provide opportunities for staff to work together in this setting and increase relational trust among and across teams Then…. We will accelerate the learning of our African-American, Latino and English Learner students.
Site Team Time 1. As a team discuss, enhance and understand the site Data Story, Equity Dilemma & Problem of Practice developed by the IRF and/or other team members (10 min) 2. Write a brief statement that explains the rationale for selecting these focal students (5 min.) 3. Get to know your focal students using data (30 min.) Consider the following: What patterns/trends become apparent? What assumptions can you make based on these? 4. Begin to construct a Theory of Action for focal students (25 min)
Theory of Action for Focal Students “If we…, then our focal students will…” If we (teachers, support staff, all staff within the school): *School –Wide Systemic Use of Data * Teacher Collaboration * Professional Development *Instructional Coaching If teachers, within each classroom: Instruction & Assessment: (CCSS and SEL) Then, our focal students will demonstrate: Academic (outcomes & measures): Social-emotional learning (SEL) (outcomes & measures):
Sharing Protocol Team #1: Presents site Problem of Practice (POP), rationale for focal student group and Theory of Action for focal students (5min/7min) Partner Team(s): Consider what you heard/did not hear re: instructional strategies (academic and SEL), measurements/ways of monitoring & making adjustments: Clarifying Questions (3min/5min) Probing Questions (5min/7min) Team #1: Reflection/Response (2min/4min) Total time: 15 minutes/23 minutes Switch!
Sharing Groups 1 st Round2 nd Round3 rd Round BryantChavezBVHM FlynnSanchez
Final ILT Team Check-in Think about the school wide systems that exist, how will you engage your colleagues and develop a shared commitment to this work back at your site to address the needs of your focal students? For CORE Pairing Teams: What next steps are needed to support your work? Who will be involved? When? (some upcoming events: BVHM Rounds 11/19, ILT Network Meeting 1/14, Bryant Rounds, 1/21)
Closing & Next Steps THANK YOU FOR YOUR THOUGHTFUL WORK! Homework Share your work with your ILT/staff back at your sites Continue to develop your Theory of Action for focal students Identify/collect evidence of your work to address focal student needs Announcements Next ILT Meeting: January 21, 2015 Please complete & return feedback form before leaving
Superintendent’s Zone Mission District Instructional Leadership Team Network Session #1 Karling Aguilera-Fort Regina Piper November 12, 2014