What’s your favourite subject? Year 7, unit 1, lesson 4.
Watch the video and fulfill the task.
pdbh usiri papcses sertificate ttalueokox usnnvra dkceym yer Guess the words in the crossword and you will learn what students get at the end of studying. Учиться Физкультура (сокращённо ) Искусство Задание Ученик младших классов школыВеселье НаукаУзнавать, открывать Перемена История Экзамен
Open your S.B. at pages and do ex-s.1 and 2. Don’t forget to consult Linguistic and cultural guide on pages Ex.1, page 12. Read the task and fulfill numbers 1), 2), 3), 4); answer the questions. What is a registration? When do they have a break? Is the lunch time in Hazel Grove High School from 11am till 11.20am? How many times a week do they have geography classes? Do you have the same timetable in your school? Ex. 2, page 13. Before listening the story pay attention to the words below. When doing part 2), use your timetable in your daybook. Before doing part 3) try to remember grammar rules from GS page 204.
1.Ex.3, p.14. Match the first part to the second one. 2. Watch the video and say what subjects they like and why.
Make up a story about your schoooing according to the plan: 1. What is your favourite subject? 2. Why do you like it?
While doing your homework pay attention to Taratukhina T.A. presentation “How to Write Letters in English”
If you want to know more use Reward lesson 4.