K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 1 June 2007 Updating Issues in SBQL Presentation prepared for OMG Object Database Technology Working Group OMG TECHNICAL MEETING, Brussels, Belgium June 25th-29th, 2007 by Prof. Kazimierz Subieta Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland SBA/SBQL pages:
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 2 June 2007 Topics Approaches to updates via a query language SBQL as integrated QL/PL Updating in integrated QL/PL – issues SBQL imperative statements SBQL program control statements SBQL procedures and methods SBQL virtual updateable views SBQL transactions
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 3 June 2007 Approaches to updates via a query language No approach: updates via methods in some host programming language - ODMG OQL Bottom-up: a side-effect-free query language is extended with updating capabilities: –SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL, XQuery, Hibernate,… –To some extent: SQL-99, SQL-2003 (extensions of SQL-92) –In some cases (PL/SQL, T-SQL, SQL-99, SQL-2003) the approach leads to a new programming language. Top-down: Integrated query and programming language. –Several DataBase Programming Languages (DBPL), e.g. SBQL; –No definite border line between querying and programming –A unified and universal conceptual and semantic frame for queries and programs involving queries, including procedures, functions, classes, types, methods, views, etc.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 4 June 2007 Integrated QL/PL – decisions (1) The SBA/SBQL solution relies on adopting a run-time mechanism of PLs and introducing necessary improvements. The main syntactic decision is the unification of PL expressions and queries - no conceptual difference: –2+2 –(x+y)*z –Employee where salary = 1000 –(Employee where salary = (x+y)*z).surname All such expressions/queries can be used as: –Arguments of imperative statements (update, insert, delete, …) –Actual parameters of procedures, functions or methods –Return from a functional procedure (method).
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 5 June 2007 Integrated QL/PL – decisions (2) Queries should be prepared to return references to objects –No more value-oriented approach – no algebras, calculi, formal logic,… References returned by queries can be used as: –Left sides of assignments –Arguments of delete statements –Out and inout parameters (call-by-reference, strict-call-by-value) –… Some imperative statements are to be designed as macroscopic. Orthogonal persistence: a unified typing system for queries addressing persistent (shared) and volatile (non-shared) entities –No difference in access to persistent and volatile data Total internal identification: to return references each database or program entity, which could be separately retrieved, updated, inserted, deleted, etc., should possess a unique internal identifier.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 6 June 2007 Total internal identification SBQL object (ODRA): each object, attribute, sub-attribute, pointer, etc. has a unique internal identifier.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 7 June 2007 Updating in integrated QL/PL – issues Imperative constructs based on queries (macroscopic): variable declarations, assignments, create, insert, delete, etc. Program control statements based on queries: if, loops, for each, etc. Procedures and functions based on query constructs –New issues for strong typing –Parameter passing methods based on queries (in and out parameters) –Local procedure/function objects (based on a unified typing system) –Functions with macroscopic output (SQL-like views) –Classes and methods Transactions and transaction processing – for updating shared resources Virtual updateable O-O views (consistent updating of virtual objects) Events and triggers Interoperability issues, in particular: –Updating relational databases via object-oriented queries –Gateways to/from OO PLs, e.g. Java.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 8 June 2007 Integrated QL/PL - naming, scoping, binding Integrated QL/PL requires careful designing of naming, scoping and binding mechanisms The common PLs’ approach is that scopes are organized in an environment stack with the “search from the top” rule. –Some extensions to the structure of stacks used in PLs are necessary. Query operators, imperative programming constructs and procedures (functions, methods, views, etc.) are defined in terms of the three internal data structures: –Environment stack (for scoping and binding names) –Query result stack (for storing temporary and final query results) –Object store (for storing all persistent and volatile data entities) For strong typing and query optimizations the stacks must also exist in static (compile time) versions. –They store and process type signatures.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 9 June 2007 SBQL schema (ODRA)
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 10 June 2007 Variable (object) declaration In ODRA any variable (object) must be declared. –The declaration must be visible to the environment against which a given query is executed. The variable declaration has the following syntax: name: type [cardinality] –For instance: x: integer; Emp: EmpType [0..*]; type PersonType is record { name: string; age: integer; }; georg: PersonType; Variables can be declared as persistent (shared, on a server), temporal (session’s), local (to a procedure, function or method). The concept of cardinality (as in UML) instead of „collections”.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 11 June 2007 Object creation Objects are created by the create operator. –It is checked according to types and cardinality. Syntax: create [where] name(query); Semantics: –The operator is macroscopic (one statement can create many objects) –Parameterized by a place indicator (where) - permanent, temporal, local –Can be used to create each kind of objects (simple, complex, pointer). –Requires appropriate variable declaration. Simple object creation create amount(2500); –The persistency status depends on the context; create possibleMeetingDate( union ); create local fullName( (Emp where worksIn.Dept.name = “adv”).(fName + “ “ + lName)); Pointer creation: create permanent highPayed( ref (Emp where sal > 3000) );
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 12 June 2007 Complex object creation To create a complex object the query must return structures with named fields or a reference to a complex object. –The reference will be automatically dereferenced; –ref for creating pointers; –If the argument query returns a bag, many objects are created. Create a shared complex Emp object create permanent Emp( “Tom” as fName, “Jones” as lName, 2500 as sal, ref (Dept where dName = “adv”) as worksIn, ( ref (Dept where dName = “pr”) union ref (Dept where dName = “retail”) ) groupas prevJobPlace );
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 13 June 2007 Assignments and queries In PLs, the assignment operator has the (possible) syntax : lvalue := rvalue; –lvalue and rvalue are expressions –lvalue must return a reference to an entity (e.g. to a variable) –rvalue returns a new value assigned to the entity (deref is enforced) –Types of lvalue and rvalue must coincide. Can both lvalue and rvalue be queries (returning collections)? Can lvalue return a reference to a complex object and what in such a case rvalue shoud return (the substitutability problem)? –How to define the concept of „complex value”? Can lvalue be a reference to a pointer what in such a case rvalue should return?
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 14 June 2007 Assignments in SBQL lquery := rquery; We do not allow macroscopic assignments: –lquery must return a single reference –rquery must return a single value (with automatic deref enforced). –Other solutions are inconsistent Instead, we allow to nest assignments into control statements: foreach Emp where job = ”programmer” do { sal := sal +100; job := ”engineer”; }; –The solution is like SQL update, but SBQL is more orthogonal: foreach (avg(Emp.sal) as a join (Emp where sal < a) as e) do { e.sal := a + 100; e.job := ”programmer”; };
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 15 June 2007 Assignments to complex objects SBQL supports this feature. It requires the definition of „complex value” that can be calculated at the right side of the assignment. We have defined it through the concept of binder, i.e. an entity n(x), where n is a name, x is any (perhaps complex) value. –Operators as and groupas – creating binders –Operator ref – prevents dereferencing (Emp where lName = „Jnes”) := ( “Tom” as fName, “Jones” as lName, 2500 as sal, ref (Dept where dName = “adv”) as worksIn, ( ref (Dept where dName = “pr”) union ref (Dept where dName = “retail”) ) groupas prevJobPlaces );
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 16 June 2007 Assignments to pointers (links) Requires a reference to an object as the right hand operand. (Emp where eNbr = 4419).worksIn := ref (Dept where dName = “adv”); –ref can be omitted due to type inference. Assignments to binary links: –Any binary (two-way) link is considered as twin pointers semantically constrained; e.g. worksIn and employs. –Assignment to one of them triggers a corresponding operation on its twin. –See the ODMG standard, C++ binding.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 17 June 2007 Insertion lQuery :< rQuery; lQuery :<< rQuery; Inserts an object into another object. –The result of lQuery is a reference to a complex object. –The result of rQuery is a bag of references to objects being inserted. –Insertion is type and cardinality checked. Insert new prevJobPlace pointer object into Doe’s object: (Emp where lName=“Doe”):< create prevJobPlace( ref(Dept where dName=“pr”)); A variant of insertion – create and insert operator (Emp where lName=“Doe”):<< prevJobPlace( ref(Dept where dName=“pr”));
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 18 June 2007 Deletion delete query; Removes objects from the store. –The operator is macroscopic. –Concerns all kinds of run-time program or database entities. –The result of operand query have to be a reference or a bag of references. –Can be used to delete each kind of objects (simple, complex, pointer). –Type checking concerns the cardinality after deletion. Delete location London from the Marketing department. delete (Dept where dName = ”Marketing”). (loc as x where x = ”London”).x;
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 19 June 2007 Program control statements We implemented typical statements known from many PLs: if query then statement1 else statement2 if query then statement while query do statement do statement while (query) for( istmnt; cquery; incstmnt ) do statement –query and cquery must return a boolean value. Example: if count( Emp where hireyear = 2006) - count( Emp where hireyear = 2005) > 100 then report :<< note(“employment increase achieved”); else report :<< note(“employment increase not achieved”); statement ::= {statement_list}
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 20 June 2007 For Each statement foreach query do statement Iterates through elements of a collection determined by a query. –query is evaluated first, it should return a bag. –For each bag element r its internal environment nested(r) is calculated and pushed at the top of the environment stack. –After statement execution the environment nested(r) is destroyed. Example: Increase by 100 the salary of employees having salary below the average. –Without “iteration variable”: foreach Emp where sal < avg(Emp.sal) do sal := sal + 100; –With “iteration variable”: foreach (Emp where sal < avg(Emp.sal)) as e do e.sal := e.sal + 100;
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 21 June 2007 SBQL procedures and methods Procedures are special complex objects. –Inside modules - treated as global procedures. –Inside classes – treated as methods and called in the instance context. –Inside views – treated as local to views. Encapsulate arbitrary complex computation. –Local objects and actual parameters are invisible from outside. Can be parameterized by parameters and/or by the state. Little distinction between procedures and functional procedures. –A functional procedure call is a query, but with possible side effects. The result of a functional procedure is typed, similarly to other PLs. Syntax of procedure declaration: name([parameter_list]):[returntype] {statement_list} –Return can be determined by any query, according to returntype. Typical stack-based semantics –Any recursive calls are supported, with no special declaration.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 22 June 2007 Parameters of procedures and methods The parameter passing technique implemented in ODRA is known as strict-call-by-value: –Actual parameter determined by a query is evaluated before the procedure execution. –The result is stored at the procedure activation record as a binder (named value). –The method combines call-by-value and call-by-reference in a very general fashion. –It allows the programmer to pass as a parameter the result of any complex query that combines atomic values, references, auxiliary names, structures, bags, sequences, etc. Parameter declaration syntax: name: type [ cardinality ] –If the cardinality is not specified the default [1..1] is assumed.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 23 June 2007 SBQL: example of a procedure Procedure ChangeDept moves the specified employees to the specified department; returns the number of the moved employees. Let Kim become the boss of all designers working so far for Lee: procedure ChangeDept( E: EmpType[0..*]; D: DeptType ): integer { delete ( Dept. employs ) where Emp in E; for each E as e do { D :<< employs( ref e ); e. worksIn := ref D }; return count(E); }; if ChangeDept( Emp where job = “designer” and (worksIn.Dept.boss.Emp.lName) = “Lee”; Dept where (boss.Emp.lName) = “Kim” ) = 0 then printString(”No effect”);
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 24 June 2007 Updating via procedure return SBQL functions may return references, which can be then used in imperative statements: –Procedure EmpSalBoss returns references to names of employees earning less than 2000, to their salaries and to their boss names: procedure EmpSalBoss(): record{e: ref string; s: ref integer; b: ref string}[0..*] { return (Emp where sal < 2000). (lName as e, sal as s, (worksIn.Dept.boss.Emp.lName) as b); }; Updating through the return is possible: for each (EmpSalBoss where e = ”Doe” and b = ”Lee”) do s := s + 100; Hence SBQL functions may work as updateable views. –In general, such updates lead to inconsistency (view updating problem). –We have developed and implemented special updateable views.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 25 June 2007 SBQL virtual updateable views SQL views have limitations that restrict their applications: –Limited power of a view definition facilities (far below the full algorithmic power); –Limited data model (only relational tables); –Limited view updating (updating of virtual tables is prohibited or severely restricted); –Performance can be compromised by the use of views. instead of trigger views of Oracle, SQL Server and DB2 –Relax the third limitation. SBQL views: –No limit concerning the algorithmic power; –No limit concerning the datamodel; –No limit concerning the semantics of view updating; –Powerful optimization methods of queries involving views.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 26 June 2007 SBQL views - generalities Some applications may require updating of virtual data: –Updates of virtual data are to be mapped into updates of stored data. –Typically (SQL) these updates are made by side effects of view invocations. In SBQL we take another point of view. –Our method is based on overloading generic updating operations (create, delete, update, insert, …) acting on virtual objects by invocation of procedures that are written by the view definer. –The procedures have full algorithmic power. –Full transparency of virtual objects: they cannot be distinguished from stored objects by any programming option. –High-level view definition, full algorithmic power, any datamodel, view updating anomalies controlled by the programmer, the optimization potential.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 27 June 2007 View example –Delivers virtual objects named EmpBoss, with attribute name (of an employee) and bossName (of his/her boss). –Updating may concern bossName => a corresponding employee is moved to the department managed by the new boss. –Move Doe to the department managed by Lee: view EmpBossDef{ virtual objects EmpBoss: record{e:ref Emp;}[0..*]{ return Emp as e; }; view nameDef{ virtual objects name: record{en: string;}{ return e.lName as en;}}; on_retrieve: string { return en; } }; view bossNameDef{ virtual objects bossName: record{bn: string;}{ return e.worksIn.Dept.boss.Emp.lName as bn; }; on_retrieve: string { return bn; }; on_update(newBoss: string){ e.worksIn := ref (Dept where (boss.Emp.lName) = newBoss); }}} (EmpBoss where name = ”Doe”).bossName := ”Lee”;
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 28 June 2007 Transactions in SBQL Shared objects must obey the transactional semantics. In SBQL we have introduced transactions in a different form in comparison to ODMG (and other proposals). The basic assumption is that each transaction must possess an identity in a source code and during runtime. –Transactions are similar to procedures – they have a name, parameters and local objects. –Syntactic difference concerns some keywords. –Semantic difference concerns ACID properties. –Nested transactions are possible. In runtime transactions are represented by objects of a special class –Managed by SBQL. –DBA has rights to get some privileges to access to these objects. –This is especially important in distributed database environments and protocols such as 2PC.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 29 June 2007 Conclusions Any programming environment must support updates –This concerns a new object-oriented database standard In SBA/SBQL we follow seamless integration of querying and programming capabilities –Delegating updates to a host PL → impedance mismatch –Ad hoc extending queries with updates → limitations and inconsistencies Unification of PL expressions and queries –For updating, queries must return references –Classical stack-based semantics w.r.t. queries –Queries can be used as components of imperative statements, as parameters of procedures and as a return from a functional procedure Procedures, functions, types, classes, methods, updateable views, transactions, etc. are abstractions that can be based on queries –They should be components of a new OO database standard.
K.Subieta. Updating Issues in SBQL, slide 30 June 2007 Acknowledgement This work is supported by the European Commission 6-th Framework Programme, Project VIDE - VIsualize all moDel drivEn programming, IST STP VIDE Participant List (in random order) –SAP AG (Germany) –SOFTEAM (France) –Institute for Information Systems at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (Germany) –IESE Fraunhofer (Germany) –Polish-Japanese Institute for Information Technology (Poland, coordinator) –FIRST Fraunhofer (Germany) –TNM Software GmbH (Germany) –Bournemouth University (United Kingdom) –Rodan Systems S.A. (Poland) –ALTEC (Greece)